ch. 5

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The training site was over many scattered buildings and required long jumps and a lot of flying. "Alright Cam, you ready for lesson one?" "Ready as I'll ever be." She murmured. "Alright Cam, try transforming into your wings." She had done this many times before and had it in her grasp. "Transform! Magic wings!" She easily transformed. "Wow, have you done this before?" "Yeah, kinda I guess..." "Okay Cam, let's get more in depth then. Come on." He motioned her to a high building far away. "Fly there. Step off the edge and fly. Don't worry it'll come to you."

Looking into the far distance she saw the objective point. She stepped closer to the edge. Suddenly she jumped off and the turtles ran to the edge. She came hurtling up against the wind and waved, winking at Leo. She did a sudden back flip than flew towards the building. Out of nowhere she came flying back. In a desperate attempt of stopping she slammed down and rolled on the rooftop. Laying low she went over to the turtles. "Keep your heads down!" "Why, what's wrong Cam?" She glared at Cody, "the tower over there, it's the foot HQ! A bunch of them saw me and sounded an alarm!" "Uh oh, well Cam I guess the next lesson will be a crash course!" "What?" She looked up confused. "Well, your next lesson is going to be using your elemental spells." "Why does it need to be a crash course?" Cam said filled with curiosity. "Well because we don't have time." "Were surrounded!" Leo yelled from the edge.

The ninjas were quick and dangerous. Cam thought she didn't have a chance at fighting them. Her instincts kicked in, without her even realizing. Without hesitation, she ran to the edge and whistled; grabbing everyone's attention. She slid over the edge with ease and flew to an abandoned place that was full of destroyed walls and warehouses. She looked over her shoulder and saw they were gaining on her fast. She picked up speed and soon ran out of flying space so she pushed off of a wall and did an about-face. She found extreme fury and the seemingly endless sky was lit with eruptions of light. Soon the others had caught up and Camile was still fighting. Camile had found a strategy that made her opponents vulnerable. Flying and using the walls and warehouses as cover, she had flanked them and gained an edge. The turtles and her brothers were cheering her on, pumping their fists in the air.

Out of nowhere, a deep and threatening laugh erupted like thunder in a silent sky. Everyone looked and found not that far away the Shredder. Ninjas had surrounded Camile and had jumped at her. They piled onto her she went hurtling to the ground. "Get off!" She yelled. Her brothers saw her and Alex ran at her catching her in his hard rocky arms. "Thanks for the save bro." She said getting up. He nodded her off and ran to aid his brothers. Cam looked in the direction of Leo and the turtles seeing them in the heat of battle she flew to their aid. With enormous amounts of rage she cleared a path right in front of Leo and the other turtles. Looking in the direction of the powerful blast, they saw Camile. Who had her hands raised and eyes slammed shut; opened them slowly and was confused.

"Where did that come from Cam?" Leo said dumbstruck. "I just got mad and well, it came out in a huge explosion." A thunderous crash pounded in their ears and they found that Leon had flooded down part of a wall and it was coming their way. "Look out guys!" She remembered the orb and the stance that she used in her first confrontation with the shredder. She made that stance two fingers behind two others and created an orb to protect the turtles. Raising them out of the water was her first priority. The turtles were safe and were on a high building. Suddenly she was thrown into the air and was caught off guard. She was hurtled into the water and got caught on debris.

Leo and his brothers ran to the edge waiting for her to come up. Leo had climbed over the edge and was about to jump in. "Wait Leo, give her a minute." "No, she could be drowning! I'm going in." "Wait Leo, I'm coming too." Raph said. The two dove in and found Camile struggling to free herself from the debris. The two had helped her free herself and swam to the surface. They broke the water's surface, Camile noticed her wings were wet and she couldn't use her fire power all because she was drenched.

"Need a lift?" Cody said flying by. "You got it." She said with a smile. Cody grabbed her arms and lifted her out of the water. Alex grabbed Raph and Jeremy grabbed Leo. They put Camile, Leo and Raph down in front of the others and Camile transformed back. She was still drenched. Cody blew a strong wind right into Camile drying her off and blowing her hair straight up. "Well I'm glad I'm not wearing a skirt." She said with a smirk and started trying to put her hair down normally. "Here, Cam." Leon put mystic water around her head and her hair fell around her shoulders perfectly. "Thanks." She said with a twirl of her hair.

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