ch. 6

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"Next time Leon, watch where you're shooting!" Raphael yelled. "You know, I'm not so sure that you even cared if you hit Camile with that blow. You didn't seem all that worried about her welfare when she was DROWNING!" Leo snarled. "I knew she would be fine. She does have our blood, so I knew she wouldn't just stand there and take the hit." He grinned. Camile was looking him in the eye and found a shred of darkness in his eyes. She lunged at him striking him hard in the stomach. "Cam! What are you doing? Stop!" Cody yelled trying to make her stop. "You aren't my brother!" She screamed. "So... you are the intelligent one." Leon jumped back and laughed.

He tore his face, revealing a completely different thing. He had bloody red eyes and his body was metal like a giant cyborg. Yet he didn't have the appearance of one. "I knew it! You aren't Leon; you're a freak." Camile hissed. She lunged at him and kicked him straight in the jaw. He grabbed her ankle and threw her to the ground; holding on to her he smacked her down in several directions. She raised her hands and blasted him with her fire orbs. With a lucky shot he went flying back. Camile leaned back and caught a breath, then got up.

She walked over to where he was laying, she raised her hands once again and she was about to fire but something hit her hard in the stomach. Sprawling to get up she felt a hard object hit her rib cage with ferocity. Suddenly Cody shot a wind storm at the attacker. It cleared her path enough to be able to get up and stumble away. Raphael, Jeremy, Alex, Mikey and Cody had fought off the imposter and his accomplice while Leo and Don helped Camile stand.

She nodded off then pushed them away. She whistled, grabbing the attention of everyone on the battlefield. She teleported over to the imposter. "You know the difference between me and you?" "And what is that?" "You're nothing but a fake, a joke. But I am real, and I bite back!" She lunged forgetting the pain and her wounds. The others had taken the duty of fighting the accomplice but Leo had already said that if Cam got into any trouble he was the first one in to help her. She fought well considering she had a few busted ribs and a more than likely a concussion. "Little girl, you really should think before you fight. Especially because you never noticed where we were." He gestured to their surroundings and to Camile's surprise he was completely correct, she never did notice. She looked back, noticing the blood leaving an unmistakable trail leading to her. "You never noticed that you were losing that much blood did you? I'm surprised that you aren't passed out or at least dizzy from the loss of blood. Oh well, I guess I'll put you out of your misery." He pulled out a remote, by the looks of it; it was a remote bomb detonator. He pressed it and suddenly Cam was buried under a pile of rubble. Hearing the piercing tone of the bomb and seeing the rubble everyone panicked. The two attackers vanished in an evil eruption of laughing. "Try getting out of that little girl!" Everyone ran to the sight of the explosion and started digging through to the rubble. "No need for that my friends." Alex said. He signaled them to back up and he raised his thick hands levitating the rubble with a single move. There underneath was Camile, crumpled beneath the weight. Leo ran by the others. Alex put the rubble down far away. Everyone ran next to a cautions Leo. "Cam, can you hear me?" she was breathing heavily. Don kneeled down next to her and found she had a crushed shoulder blade, a major concussion, multiple broken ribs; a deep cut on her arm, and a sprained ankle. "Cam it's me Don, listen to me; were going to get you back to the lair and we're going to patch you up. Okay?" she nodded off. Leo looked up to Cody, Alex and Jeremy "Are you able to teleport us to the lair?" "Yeah hold on." They raised their hands and teleported back to the turtle's home.

Camile was set gently on Leonardo's bed and Don started fixing a sling and stitching up her wounds. Leo held her hand and found she was regaining consciousness. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking hard. Leo leaned over her and told her to go back to sleep and to rest. She shut her eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. Her sleep was full of nightmares, all the same; a laughing man killing her family and friends. A combination of being pursued back in Louisiana and being blamed for killing innocent people was creating a pool of guilt in her heart.

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