Chapter 1

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My name is Bloom. My parents were great warriors, that is till they died. They died when I was three. That is when it all started.


When I watched them die, I was traumatized. I ran to the woods, I ran into a cave and sat against a wall. That is when I saw a light coming from the back of the cave.

 I walked to the back of the cave to find a circle of water. The water was a clear blue. I felt drawn towards it. I walked closer and closer to it. Then I walked straight into the water. I went completely under the water, I sunk all of the way to the bottom.

 I felt a buzzing throughout my body, and it felt amazing! Then I wake up laying down next to the pond of water. I smile. I look into the water to see my reflection.

 I looked different. I had a symbol on my arm. I looked at it closer. I couldn't tell what it was. I lean further when I slip. I fall into the water, but this time the water isn't touching me. It is like the water moved around me.

 I think about getting out, when all of a sudden the ground that I was standing on moved up and it stopped when I was level with the ground.

 I then realized how cold I has and all of a sudden a fire started on a few twigs lying in the cave. I don't want the fire were it was I wanted it closer towards me, all of a sudden it went out with a gust of wind and the fire was now right in front of me, floating in the air.

 I thought for a second them the fire went out and I took my hands and focused on the water. I moved the water in fun shapes and patterns. I smile.

 I had completely forgotten about what had happened the day before. I had to show the village what I could do. When I get there everybody is relived to see me. I don't know why, but maybe it was because they already found out.

 I go over to the well and start to move my hands and I focus on the water. I pull it out of the well and I make it look pretty. Everybody starts to freak out and walk away from me.

 I am confused bit every time I walk up to someone they walk backwards. "DEVIL CHILD! DEVIL CHILD!" People start to scream. I realize they are talking about me so I run towards the beach. 

They start to chase me. When I get to the water I have no other chose but to run into the water. I start running on the water and I run as far away from my island as I can.

End of Flashback

I have been running from island to island since then. Waiting for somebody who doesn't fear me.

Every once in a while, I dream about myself with a group of people, but I am talking to them and they are talking to me like we are friends. Every time I have this dream the more real it feels. And every time I have this dream the more details I get on where this place is, and who these people are.

I walk onto the beach of a new island. I get this weird feeling when I step onto the beach. I decide to follow my feeling.  It lead me to a village.

 I hide in the woods making sure I am not seen, after all I kind of have a reputation to scare people. When other people get scared, I get scared at what they would do to me, and when I get scared my powers go crazy.

 I don't know if you have heard the Legend of the Evil Demi-Goddess, but it is a good one. It isn't entirely true, but some of it is. 

As I am walking around the perimeter of the this island, I came across a group of people around my age, slightly older, and they were all sitting around a fire. 

There was one other person with them. He is missing a hand and a leg, and has a long mustache. 

He started to talk. "Now have I told you guys The Legend of the Evil Demi-Goddess yet?" "No but it sounds awesome!" The one with short dark hair says. "Well here is how goes..."


That is the end of the first chapter!

What do you think?

Do you have any suggestions?

I am kind of new at this so I welcome all comments.

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