"Aww, thanks RT I love you too."

He laughs and hugs me "gotta be at another one in 15 minutes, better be on my way."

I laugh "alright, be careful. Text me if you need me."

He nodded then jumped back in his little blue Mustang and drove off waving.

"Hey, my shift just ended. You need a ride?" Tess asked me.

"Yea, thank you Tess!" I squeal and squeeze her.

She laughed "no problem girl. I knew by the way you were walking up here you had walked."

I nod and we jump into her black GMC pickup truck and start to the house.

The plan was if anyone asked I had started walking home and I called Tess to get a ride but she had to wait for her shift to be over so I waited at a McDonald's nearby the restaurant, which was there.

Me and Tess talked about how things were going down at her house and the station. She updated me on all the drug deals that had been going on and all the people buying alcohol saying that there must be a party soon. I agreed.

We pulled up to my building and my brothers truck wasn't there. Must have took them to their hotel and didn't make it back.

I thanked Tess then walked in the building, calling Zack. It rang and then he picked it up.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine. Tess drove me home."

"Okay. I knew you had probably called someone. I was just hoping it wasn't Ryan."

I smiled at him being protective "nah, that's the last person I'd call. Other than Parker."

He laughed "well I'm dropping Momma and Dad off at their hotel. I have to walk them in and help with bags so it could be 30 to 40 minutes before I get home. And whether or not Parker is home I'm not sure."

"Okay, text me when you start this way. Be careful."

"I will and you too. I love you."

"I love you too."

We hung up the phone as I got off the glass elevator. I walked down the hall and opened our door to find Parker laying on the bar with a beer in his hand and two empty cans on the floor. He had no shirt and music playing. I guess I walked in on his guitar solo.

I started laughing not being able to control it.

"Oh shit." He says and rushes to turn the music off.

"No leave it on!" I tell at him and he backs away from his phone slowly.

I walk on to my room and put Rubin's bag in my dresser drawer and slide into night clothes and by now my bun was really messy. I took my makeup off for the most part and walked out of my room to the fridge.

"Where's Zack at?" Parker asked behind me.

"Dropping Momma and Dad off at their hotel."

"Why didn't you go?"

"Didn't want to." I lied, sorta. I didn't want to go anyways.

"Why not?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?!"

He laughed "partially trying to annoy you, partially just wanting to be nosey."

"Well put your nose somewhere else."

"But I wanna know."

"But I don't care what you want."

I grabbed the lemonade out and poured me a glass while Parker drank tea from the pitcher.

I looked at him. "What do you think you're doing."

"Drinking tea. What's the problem?"

"You're drinking it from the pitcher."


"So? You don't do that. Other people want to drink tea without your spit and tongue all over it."

"You want my tongue all over you," he said with that gleam.

"What the fuck! No! That's disgusting! There's no telling where that thing has been, or what you have."

He died laughed "well I know where it's been and what I have."

"Whatever Parker. I'm going to my room."

I walked in my room and shut the door. Robin's bag was still in my dresser drawer. I pulled it out and opened it slowly as I watched the door. My little hiding spot was in my closet so I slid in it.

It was behind my thickest part of clothes behind a painting me and Heather made when we were little. We had our hand-prints on it. Her left, my right. We signed the back with a truce that we'd never let the other one do anything stupid alone. That's partially why I'm an alcoholic and sometimes smoke cigarettes. But in the end it's my choice, but never leave the other alone.

I took the painting off and there was my little hole in the wall. My drugs, alcohol, letters, journal, etc. stayed in there. I put my whiskey and Lortabs in there behind my stuffed animal that Tommy won for me. It stayed there. Didn't move so whenever I lost myself and ran to my closet I could be with it.

I pinned the painting back and walked back out my closet and shut the door. But my closet door wasn't the only one closing. Zack was home.


Well this chapter was a deep one for little Miss Bailey. Lots of her past life in it. How about Rubin? The Chevron workers?

SNEAK PEEK: Is Parker being nice to Bailey?! Will Bailey keep her lying up? Or will she crack and tell the truth for once?

BTW that's Rubin at the top!!

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