Chapter 51: Moon Dust

Start from the beginning

"Come on Char," Cora breathed out as she pulled me closer to her.

I smiled and rubbed my temples, the silver in the mountains starting to make the headache worse. Susie jogged to me and reached into a pouch she had crossed over her shoulder; she ripped at some green leaves them to me.

"Moonflower leaves, it will help."

Quickly I put them in my mouth while Susie chewed on some herself. She gave some to Lizzie, Eve, and my parents; the leaves somehow making the headache instantly vanish.

"Jake, how did you?"

"You get used to it," he answered. "They have things to help, but eventually I just got used to it. Leaves help?"

I nodded as we walked down a path towards the pack. "They do, thanks, Susie."

"I've got plenty for everyone," she replied with a smile. "Just chew on it like gum. It's kind of gummy already."

"Man Char, Ethan is going to be pissed," Jake breathed out.

"Levi too," Eve added grimly.

"It's for their own good," Susie added. "She's watching. We can't afford for her to catch on too quickly. Not at least until we have the rogues secure. Jake, right?"

"That's right," he replied with a polite nod. "She is watching them like a hawk."

"Those crates, we need somewhere safe for them."

"The ones with the cure?" Cora asked.

"Yes," Susie replied. "Somewhere cool where they won't be harmed."

"I know a place, I can have them start moving the crates there?"

"Perfect," Susie breathed out before she looked at her hands. Her eyes watering as she looked at her skin.

"So what is she up to now?" I asked. "I take it you have all tried to kill her?"

We turned a corner while Jake nodded bleakly. "We have but it's never worked. She's got plenty of protection; snakes on the borders, men with her, she's gotten stronger–she wears this necklace of bloodstones that Bernard thinks she's harnessing power from."

"She's what?!"

Susie looked livid as we all turned towards her. We turned another corner, the population of pack wolves growing as we neared the head of it.

Jake eyed her then nodded again. "They have a new plan–"

"Which is?" Lizzie asked.

Jake looked at me cautiously. "Well, God I'm sorry Char, but she kinda has a thing for Ethan–"

"What Jake means to say is she wanted to jump his bones like yesterday," Cora cut in. "The plan is for Ethan to string her along until he can get closer to her and kill her."

The ground shook as a raging growl tore out of my chest. Lizzie zipped to me while Eve tossed in a snarl. "What?!" I bit out.

"He's doing what he has to Char," Jake said, biting his lip in an apologetic tone.


"No Charlotte, you have to wait."

"Come on just let me kill her."

"No honey," my father replied apologetically.

I growled again while my beast and I went through the mental list of exactly how we wanted to kill her. It was a very long list.

Lizzie rubbed my back while Cora fussed at Jake as we walked into the pack grounds. Lizzie who had a bone to pick with Aurelia as well for everything she had put Dominic through.

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