Words that you don't even know...

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This is not a hypocritical chapter guys, although I admit I have done this a lot.
I use lots of words that people don't usually use in their regular speech, in my writing.
"Hey guys how's it going?"
"Meh." They said quietly in response.
"Wait, what did you just murmur?"

And then Goatsareboss1234 comes and says I need to speak in English.

Honestly, I know people want to seem fancy and smart and whatnot but just write the way you would talk. For a point of view, it's someone's view. So write how they would talk if they have an expanded vocabulary or if they don't.
Also for third person, I guess you can slip in some different words.

And if it's a different time period.

Just don't use a word that is from the 1400's in a 2016 book.

Okay? Okay.

I haven't watched or read the fault in the stars, don't spam me I honestly don't know what that is about.

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