Montgomery walked in, still limping and looked exhausted "I treated all the major injuries and Annabeth's was the absolute worst" he sat down in his chair.

"You appear very weak, perhaps you should get some blood to regain your strength" I suggested.

He nodded "Yes, I told Archibald to bring me some after he finished helping Leo with his burns"

Leo was lucky that his burns were on his arm, instead of his face. I still did not like to look in the mirror, because it only made me cringe.

"Can we please get some answers?" Heath asked, still keeping Florence's hand in his.

Montgomery nodded and reached into a drawer, pulling out an old diary.

"Gabriel kept track of every known power that he came in contact with and gifts that he had heard of. He made sure that those in the higher ranking here knew of its existence in case someone new had to take over" he cleared his throat "I read a power in here that might be what you possibly have"

Florence looked up at him "Is Samuel alright?"

Montgomery gave a small smile "Yes, Rosemary and Claude are helping him with the head wound. Nothing serious, just wrapping it up and stopping the bleeding"

She nodded "Everyone must be so scared of me"

Montgomery shook his head "Florence, everyone was always frightened when a new gift shows up. Whether it is the first or the second power, everyone is startled and you are just not someone that is violent in any way, so it was just startling"

She wiped her eyes "I am so sorry for appearing hysterical, I just do not understand how I could do something like this"

Heath put his arm around her, making me smile.

"I understand, Florence" Montgomery said, flipping through the diary "It is called necrokinesis. A power like this is usually triggered by an intense emotional pain"

"Her empathy must have only made the emotional pain of possibly losing Samuel worse" I said.

Montgomery nodded "Yes, but it is a power that is extremely rare. In this diary Gabriel said that only three vampires were known to have it" he frowned "Unfortunately they are all long gone"

"Did they have anything in common?" Heath asked.

Montgomery nodded "Yes, they all were extremely gifted with empathy"

Florence started crying again, placing her head in her hands "I do not want this gift! I have no idea what I will be capable of with this!"

"Why don't we discuss this another time. Heath, perhaps you should take her to her room" Montgomery suggested.

Heath nodded softly and helped Florence, as she continued crying.

"Please stay with her for the night. I want to make sure she calms down" Montgomery said.

"Of course" Heath said, walking out of the office, with his arms around Florence.

Montgomery looked at me, worry across his face.

"What are you trying to hide?" I asked.

He looked down "The reason all those vampires with this gift are dead is because their coalitions sentenced them to death"

My eyes widened "Excuse me?"

"They all either became too obsessed with the ultimate power that became associated with it or they never learned how to control who they killed" he continued.

Forever Fallen (Book #3)Where stories live. Discover now