nameless stranger

270 16 1

unknown pov
the next day

i saw her today.

i would be lying if i didn't feel my heart drop when i saw her.

she was laughing, looking as beautiful as ever while a boy was cradling her from behind with a large grin on his face.
both of their eyes were red and she looked over at me for a second and then looked back at him.

but why would you look at me longer anyway when i was only a stranger to you? yet i still expected something more than just a glance.

i was just standing there with tears in my eyes and then i started walking away.

i could hear her laughter from a distance and i keep hearing it in my mind playing over and over. i haven't heard it in a while after all.

i just wish my whole world didn't revolve around her but it's just impossible because she is so goddamn perfect.

and me? oh im just nameless to her.

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