"Sammy, please don't worry I'm just upset, I'll be okay, We'll be okay."

"Allie, I can't not worry about you, I'm scared I'm going to lose you, you're my everything. I just want you to be happy."

"And I AMM. Everything is great. I've got parents who love me, everything I've ever wanted, I have lots of friends, I have you."

Sam looked up at Allison and gave a small grin. "Tell me when you're ready than."

"I will, I will, I promise."

"Why don't, we get you dressed. We'll get you out of the house how long have you been inside?"

"4 days-"

"Oh dear, Let's get you in the bath."

Sam grabbed Allison's hand and skipped over to her bathroom. "I'll run the bath, brush your teeth."

"Finee-" she moaned.

Allison didn't want to go anywhere, or do anything for that matter. Allison got in the bath and hugged her knees to her chest.

"Can we wash your hair?"

Allison nods. A sense of calm washes over Allison as the warm water is poured like a waterfall onto her long brown hair. "There we go, nice and clean." Sam kisses Allison on the nose and holds out her hands to help her out of the bath. She helps her into a towel and leads Allison onto her bed to sit while she grabs her some clothes.

"Thank you Sam."

"For what hunny?"

"For getting me out of bed, and washing me. I feel a lot calmer now. So thank you."

"I knew it would help a bit, you're welcome. Here put this on."

Sam handed Allison jeans and her own hoodie.

"Won't you be cold?"

It was rainy today so It was cold enough that a hoodie was needed but if it wasn't raining jeans could be worn with a t-shirt.

"duh, that's why I steal one of your hoodies silly"

Allison smiles

"Right, of course. I wore that one yesterday if you want one that smells like me."

she points to the back of her door where a hoodie is hung on a hook.

"Thanks boob."

"Oh anything for the girl who calls me boob 500 times a day."

after getting dressed they both headed downstairs.

"Good afternoon darlings, going somewhere?"

"Just to the store, my parents are out of town, gotta get some groceries!"

"Your parents left you home alone!? Oh darling come stay with us! we have a spare bedroom!"

"No, I really couldn't, I don't want to be a bother."

"Oh you wouldn't be, just go get your stuff, Allie could use the company anyway with her father out of town and me being gone most of the morning."

"Please Sammy Please!" Allie begged

"Fineee, to my house it is. let's go."

Allie grabbed Sam's hand and dragged her out to the car "This should be exciting!!

Once the girls arrived at Sam's house there was a problem. Sam locked herself out of the house.

"SHIT! I think there's a key in the back, come with me?"

the two girls followed the stone path to the back of the house. Sam picked up a piece of stone that was imprinted with small hand prints and read "Samantha Grace Frosten" and below that "February 29th, 1996" which would've been the day she was born. She was technically only 4 although she had been alive for 17 years.

Below the rock a clever hole was dug and a small box was under it which surely enough contained a house key.

"Ah! Here we are."

Sam unlocked the front door and led Allison inside guided by her hand.

"Did you guys get new flooring?" Allison asked

"Yeah just last night, which is why I couldn't come over we had to finish before my parents left this morning and they needed my help."

"Ohhh, yeah I think I remember you telling me that."

"You think?"

"Yeah I was a bit out of it last night."

Sam was worried about Allison she seemed to be really out of it a lot lately.

"You know you can tell me anything baby-girl right?"

"Yes Sammy I know, and I promise I will, it's honestly nothing, I'll be with you for what a few days?-"

"2 weeks." Sam corrected her

"Exactly if you are worried about me I'll be right here next to you okay."

"Okay. I'm trusting you on this sweet pea, just know that I'm always here to listen."

"Thank you, I love you."

Sam grabbed Allison's other hand and kissed her "I love you too." 

Sam packed up everything she thought she would need into her pink bag and the girls headed out. Just as they walked out Sam realized she forgot something.

"What about Tiger!?"Allison asked.

"Aren't you going to bring her?"

"I don't know, can I?"

"As long as she doesn't try and eat my dog Mom won't mind.

Sam unlocked the door again and grabbed the cat carrier and the bag of cat food.

"C'mere girl." Tiger who was the fattest, laziest cat anyone knew slowly walked on into the cat carrier without an argument.

"OKAY! Nowww I have everything."

Sam laughed and picked up the carrier and carried the bag and the cat out to her car and placed them in the back seat, putting a seat belt around the cat carrier to ensure minimal movement.

"Got everything?"

"I think so-" She paused and counted on her fingers everything she needed.

"Yep as far as I can think, we can always come back though."

"Can we drop this stuff off and than go eat?"

"Sure babe." She leaned over as fastened her seat belt to plant a kiss on Allison's cheek. Allison blushed and returned the favor as she grabbed Sam's hand.

The Touch Of an Angel (Girl x Girl)Where stories live. Discover now