First Concert

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When we got back at the bus everything was perfect with Finn and Isabelle. Finn and Isabelle ran into the living room and sat on the couch. They obviously wanted to cuddle and be together after everything that had happened that day. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. I looked in the mirror and ran a hand through my hair. I took some water in my hands and splashed it in my face. I looked in the mirror once again before turning and exiting the bathroom.
I walked to the living room and saw Finn and Isabelle cuddling on the couch. He leaned over to her and whispered something. She giggled and kissed him. Suddenly my stomach felt horrible. I couldn't explain the feeling but it was something I hadn't felt before, not truly. But could it be? No it couldn't. Could I be falling for Isabelle?
Isabelle's pov:
Kissing Finn was far from amazing. It was friggin perfect. Right before I fell asleep all the boys went into their beds but me and Finn stayed on the couch. Some tv show was on in the background but I didn't pay attention to what it was. I was too lost in thought. Finn was running his hand through my hair over and over again and it was calming. When he stopped and switched to curling it in his fingers I smiled. My smile faded and I thought of Luke.
"Finn", I said quietly. "What is it?", he replied. "There's something I didn't tell you about when I was kidnapped", I started and drew a shaky breath. I sighed and began my story. "Luke, the one who helped me get out, he said he had feelings for me. I think I had feelings for him too", I finally said. He glanced up from looking at the floor. "But they vanished as soon as I saw you", I quickly said.
He stood up and I got scared. "Why?", he asked. I stood up tears filling my eyes. "Why can't you see that I love you too much to care", he finished and grabbed me. I giggled as he spun me over his head. He set me down and I smiled.
"That is in the past", he started, "We are in the now". He motioned to himself and then to me. I was so relieved that I cried a bit more. I thought for sure he would break up with me. "I love you so much", I said with a little sob. He put his hands up to my face and I flinched a bit. I blushed and went back to my normal position. He stopped for a second but continued and wiped my tears. "I love you more", he said finally.
"I'm so tired", he yawned. "Then go to bed", I replied hitting him on the arm playfully. "Nah, I'd rather stay out here with you", he replied which made me smile. He held my hand and we sat on the couch together. I then realized that I was really tired. I laid my head on Finn's shoulder and closed my eyes.
Harry's pov:
I woke up the next morning and was really happy. Today was our concert closest to where Isabelle lived, Gillette stadium. Gillette is also where the patriots play so that should be fun. I got up and immediately went into the bathroom to shower. You had to get up early if you want to shower in hot water. I took my shower and when I got out I dried my hair. You may think it is easy being me but if you had my bed head when you wake up you would know that isn't true.
I blow dried my hair and walked out all fresh and clean. (Pun intended) I walked into the living room and saw Isabelle laying against Finn who was barely tilted laying down. I could tell he fell asleep sitting up probably because Isabelle fell asleep on him. I felt a pang of jealousy and shuttered. I couldn't believe I was thinking this. Isabelle liked Finn and would never like me. I was suddenly so mad. I looked down to see my fists clenched very tight. I released them and calmed down. I would get over it. I knew I would.
I turned around and went to get some nice clothes, not that I would need them. I took off my towel and put on my pants and under pants on first. I turned around to get my shirt and saw Isabelle standing at the door. I almost jumped out of my skin but I didn't show it. I just smirked and grabbed my shirt casually. "Well hello there", I said causing her to blush. I loved it when she blushed. No! No I didn't love it when she blushed because she has a boyfriend. God I was so confused.
"Hi", she replied quietly, looking down at my abs. "Like what you see?", I asked with a smirk. She blushed even more and exclaimed, "You wish". I put my hand over my heart like I was hurt and pouted. She laughed and pushed me away. I laughed and put on my shirt.
For lunch we ate chicken fingers and French fries, well I ate chicken fingers and French fries I didn't really pay attention to what everyone else ate. After lunch we got right to work on choreography and the stage set. We rehearsed about five times before the we were rushed backstage for our meet and greet. I sat down in a chair and waited for the flood of girls to come in. Isabelle and Finn were waiting in our dressing room for the concert to start.
The room flooded with girls and they screamed at the sight of us. I laughed and hugged everyone. I looked to the door and saw someone. She was so pretty and her smile was so bright. Her beautiful blue-green eyes lit up when she saw me. Another thing was she had blue hair. She didn't scream but she looked extremely happy. I hugged all the fans and started conversations with them.
I eventually made my way to the door where the girl was standing. I was a few feet away when the girl behind her yelled, "Play the music". The chorus to the song "Fresh and Clean" started playing. The girl who yelled put on a SnapBack and stood behind the girl I originally came over here for. The blue haired girl started lip syncing. The girl behind her popped out and sang, "So fresh and so clean clean". I laughed and they did it again.
When the music stopped I reached my arms out for a hug. When I hugged the blue haired one we hugged for a bit. I smelled her hair and it smelled like really sweet hair dye. We broke apart and the brown haired one with the purple bangs stepped up. I hugged her too and thought of Louis. I looked at him and he was staring at the girl I was hugging. I winked at him and he blushed. He looked at the blue haired girl and smirked at me. I pulled out of the hug and she backed up to stand by her friend and they smiled like crazy.
"That was a lovely performance", I said with a laugh. "Thanks", the blue haired girl replied. "So do you have any questions you want to ask me", I said right as Louis stood next to me. "Me too", he chimed in. "Um well I wanted to know if you and Eleanor are still dating", the brown haired girl asked looking at Louis. "Uh no we broke up over the break", he replied. When they broke up it was really hard for him. He looked at the floor and I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry", the girl replied. "It's ok", Louis already cheered up a bit, "So what are your names".
"My name is Maddie", the blue haired girl exclaimed. I held my hand out and she shook hers, "Nice to meet you Maddie". "And I'm Mahala", the brown and purple haired one said with a smile. She looked surprised when we held out our hands for her to shake them. I had the feeling she was a little insecure. When she turned to Louis he brought her in for a hug instead of a hand shake. "So who is your favorite in the band?", Louis asked her. "Well you are but its really close between you all I just love you guys so much", she replied.
        "How about you?", I asked Maddie. "You are my favorite", she said and blushed. I smiled and punched a fist in the air. They laughed and something in my stomach jumped. I think I really liked this girl. After a minute we were swarmed by girls. "Here we will sign your lanyards but I want you to come back after the show", I said to both of them. They nodded and I signed the lanyard. Soon we were lost in a crowd of people. I had faith that Maddie would come back to me if it was meant to be.
There was one minute until showtime and everyone was running around trying to herd the boys up. I laughed to myself and jumped up and down getting myself pumped. I heard the roar of the crowd and smiled. This was what I loved about performing. All the boys were lined up behind me and I heard the introduction. My heart started to race and the adrenaline was pumping. I turned around and Louis nodded. I smiled and ran onstage.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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