The Crash

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Weeks had gone by and I hadn't had another episode that was too bad. I have been 1 week clean and have gone one week without a bad episode since the night Finn told me he loved me. I was coming home from work when I heard a gunshot and froze. There were never hunters in the area and it sounded really close.

I actually hadn't heard a gunshot in this area since I was very little. I looked around, worried and saw a flock of birds fly away. I started running towards the area I heard the shot and saw the birds. I didn't know what I was gonna do when I got there it why I was still running. I was extremely scared but I couldn't stop. Curiosity was eating me up. I tried to fight the urge and stop running but my body wouldn't let me. I decided to stop fighting and just run. I couldn't stop thinking of Finn and if he was ok. I had no idea that my life was about to go to shit.

Finn's pov:

I was walking home from work like I usually did and I heard a gunshot. I glanced in that direction and saw birds fly away. I remembered that that was where Isabelle worked. I started running towards where I heard the shot and didn't stop. Something clicked inside me and I ran faster than I ever ran before. It must have been the adrenaline because I admit I was scared, scared for Isabelle.

I ran into where Isabelle worked and she wasn't there. I ran out the back and saw her bag. I looked up at the treetop and saw a thin stream of smoke trailing up. I ran towards the smoke. I didn't even think while I was running. I figured Isabelle was curious and went to see what it was. I just hoped she wouldn't have an attack.

Isabelle's pov:

When I got closer I saw smoke. I finally fought the thing controlling my body and stopped. It was too late to turn back so I kept moving forward. I came out of the woods and saw a broken down bus. There was a trail of smoke coming from the front of it. I realized I was on the backroad I used to get to school everyday. The thing that really caught my attention though we're the words painted on the side of the bus, "One Direction".

My mind was spinning like crazy. Was I really seeing this? I started walking around to the front of the bus and I saw Paul, One Direction's head body guard lying in the ground covered in blood. When I saw the blood I started hyperventilating but then I saw all of One Direction tied up on the ground. They were all sitting in a row. Niall was crying and they all looked extremely scared. I saw two masked people standing in front of them. They didn't notice me because they were facing the boys.

I stopped my hyperventilating and ran back around the bus. I sat up against the tire and put my head in my hands. I was so scared and so close to crying. I knew that I had to do something. I crept to the woods and found a large log type thing. I started walking around the bus again towards the boys. My heart was pounding and I was fighting off an anxiety attack.

I crept to the front of the bus and hit one of the masked people in the head. The other one grabbed me and I screamed. I saw all the boys faces and they looked shocked at me. I felt my hands being zip tied and I was shoved to the ground. I sat next to Louis who was on the end and he whispered, "Thank you for trying". I forced a weak smile and started hyperventilating again. I knew I couldn't fight it so I let it come.

I started crying and hyperventilating. Soon I started screaming and thrashing around. The masked person that zip tied me put a hand over my mouth. By the size of the hand that blocked my mouth I could tell that the kidnapper was a man. I tried to suck in a breath but I couldn't breathe. His hand was covering my nose and I saw spots. I tried to bite his hand but I couldn't move. I closed my eyes and as I did I heard someone yell, "Stop you're killing her". After that I blocked out.

Finn's pov:

When I got to where the smoke was coming from I saw a bus. A tour bus that said "One Direction". I was shocked and walked around the corner. I saw Isabelle lying on the ground. I couldn't tell if she was injured or just unconscious. I got a little closer and saw all of one direction sitting on the ground tied up. I looked on the ground for a weapon but found nothing. I was on the verge of crying because when I looked at Izzy I remembered her episode. I remembered how much she needed me. She needed me today and I wasn't there.

I listened in on the conversation that the masked people were having and I heard them say, "Yes they all go in the bus. When you put them in there put the bomb in the cupboard. And do not untie them". "What about the girl", the other guy said. My heart pounded and I knew what I needed to do. I needed to wait just a bit longer then attack the first guy paused and didn't say anything for a minute. "Let's take the girl", the man said and my heart dropped.

I was fuming because I knew what he would do to her if he took her. It took everything I could to not run out there and bitch slap the men. I knew that if I did something I would be blown up too so I knew what I had to do. I had to let them take Isabelle and free one direction then search for her after.

The men moved the boys into the bus while I hid in the woods. I watched them load an unconscious Isabelle into their car. I had taken down the license plate number of their car and I was gonna get her back. The car they were in sped away and left me alone, crying and just barely in the woods. After about 30 seconds of crying I got up and ran for the bus. I went into the mini kitchen and found a knife. I cut all of the zip ties on the boys and led them out the door.

I started to run towards The woods but stopped when I noticed Niall wasn't there next to me. "What are you doing?", I yelled. "We can't leave Paul behind", he said. I rolled my eyes and ran to Paul. We all lifted him and carried him into the woods. When we were at the woods edge the bus exploded. They weren't kidding about the bomb.

If I wasn't there one direction would be no more. I led them through the woods to Isabelle's workplace. We got to Belle's work, now our safe haven, and I rested. I couldn't stop thinking about her frail limp body being loaded into the car. The image kept replaying in my head like it was there to haunt me.

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