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Isabelle's pov:

When I woke up I was in a dark room. The floor was cold so I assumed it was a basement. I was scared out of my wits and a tear dropped out of my eye. I was there in the dark, alone and I knew that it had to be the masked men who took me. I knew that this wasn't going to end well. I did know one thing though. It was that Finn would find me. Finn would always find me. I thought about that and soon the words replaying in my head twisted into haunting voices.

"Finn's not even missing you right now. He doesn't even know you are gone. You are never gonna get out of here.", they said. I cried even harder and screamed. I just wanted to die I didn't even want to live anymore. I knew Finn wasn't coming anytime soon.

A door opened and revealed a staircase to my right. Someone walked down the stairs and towards me. I never got a good look at his face because it was too dark but I felt his hands, his cold hands grabbing me and dragging me across the room.

I screamed and thrashed and he just kicked me, hard. Soon I was thrown and landed on the hard ground. I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes. Now I really wanted to die. I expected pain but instead I felt something worse. He was about to take my innocence.

Finn's pov:

I paced back and forth but I didn't even notice that I had gotten up. "Calm down mate", I heard someone say. I think it was Zayn but I really didn't care because I just wanted to rip all of their heads off. "How am I supposed to calm down when my girlfriend was just kidnapped by men that tried to blow you up", I yelled. Harry looked shocked and I took a breath. "You are all the reason she is gone", I told them all.

Harry looked down. I could tell that he was really affected by this. "You're right", he spoke up, "It's me that deserves to be with those horrible people not her. I didn't even talk to her but I could tell she was innocent and didn't deserve that". I looked at him and his eyes were welled up with tears. "I'm gonna find her", I said. "I'm gonna help you", Harry chimed in. "Me also", a voice said. "Count me in", another voice said. "Me too", said a third voice and soon all the boys had volunteered to help look for Isabelle. I looked at them and nodded. He nodded back and I knew I could trust him.

I pulled out the piece of paper with the license plate number on it out of my pocket. The boys looked at me and we discussed a plan to rescue Izzy.

Isabelle's pov:

It had been hours since the man was down here. I heard the door open and I got scared. A man a lot younger than the man who beat me came down the stairs. He put a plate of food on the floor and a went back upstairs. He left the door open and I started eating. I heard yelling and the man came downstairs with a cup of water and a really red cheek.

"I'm sorry but that's all you get", he told me. He started walking back but I stopped him. "Thanks", I told him and he smiled at me. He walked back upstairs and I felt a little happy but that happiness went away when I remembered that he was the one that kidnapped me. I sat in the dark basement for hours until I finally fell asleep. The next morning I was rudely awoken by my head being slammed into a wall. There was a little light in the basement because of the windows that were boarded up.

I saw a big man and finally saw his face. He was really scary looking and I was crying. I just wanted all of the pain to stop. I wanted my life to stop. After the man finished beating me he left me in the basement with my thoughts, my thoughts that would surely kill me. I had at least three attacks that day. When it came time for supper, food never came.

I was extremely hungry and when the door opened I got scared. I think I had gotten accustomed to getting scared when the door opened. I curled up in a ball and barely peeked up from my lap and saw the younger man again. He had a plate of food in his hand and he was looking at me. He set the plate down and went back up the stairs. He closed the door and came back down into the basement. He held a flashlight in his hands and was pointing it at my face. I covered my eyes and he took the light away from my face. "Sorry", he whispered. He sat down across from me and pointed to my food, "Eat, you'll need it". I looked at him with scared eyes and reached out my hand to the food. "Why are you being nice to me", I asked.

"Look I'm sorry this happened to you", he said. "You are the one who made this happen", I exclaimed. "Shh my dad doesn't know I'm down here", he shushed me. "Wait why do you have to sneak down here", I asked. "Because I want to help you", he told me. I was shocked because I was used to rejection. "But you put me here". I was so puzzled. "No I didn't my brother and my father did. They are really bad people and I don't even know how you got here because they were after one direction.", he explained. "I'm sorry".

I didn't know what to say. He was being so kind but his dad put me in here and beat me. "I tried to rescue one direction because I heard a gunshot and ran in that direction. I saw them tied up so I tried to help. I hit I think it was your brother on the head but your dad grabbed me and tied me up like the rest of the boys", I was shaking just remembering the scene.

He looked sad and had a sorrowful face on. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. "I'm gonna get you out of here", he told me, "I promise". He turned and crept up the stairs. At the top he turned and looked at me. "My name is Luke by the way", he said then opened the door and locked it behind him.

Author's note:
Ooh it's getting spicy!!! So... his name is Luke. Will he keep to his promise? You will have to keep reading to find out. So anyways I am always so insecure. I feel like I am Isabelle sometimes and others I wish I was more shy. I'm outgoing and extremely good at hiding my feelings. If you want to know more about me just comment. Ilysm

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