Chapter 46: Timing

Start from the beginning

"Derek," I rushed out before I cracked as well. "Go to Dominic. I don't think we can handle losing anymore today."

He nodded as Evie pulled him with her, Evan still standing next to me. "Lucas, I can't–"

"You have to Ev," I said before I eyed him. "I need to check on my pack, will you be ok?"

Evan nodded. "Ya go, if you see Jake ask him if the doors are shut?"

"Alright," I replied before I gave his shoulder a squeeze and turned to head towards our pack shelter.

The tunnels were crowded with people that were running with children in their arms or with wounded wolves to safety. Jake was yelling out something while Cora directed people. "Is that it?!"

"Sir if we don't close it then–"

"Do it!" Jake bit out before he turned to Dagny, covering in blood, bruises, and what looked like smoke. "Can you?"

"Yes," she said with a shaky nod. "Martin right?"

Martin dipped his head. "This way mam, and thank you."

Jake and Cora caught my eye and paused before he rushed to me; he was covered in blood, bruises, and gashes of his own. He reminded me of David in this moment. "Lucas, is it true? Is she–"

"Yes," I forced out. Cora gasped and covered her mouth before she buried her face in Jake's chest. "Ethan's not–Levi's with him. We need to lock the pack down."

Jake nodded. "Dagny is sealing it with magic now. Most of the pack was already down here. The warriors that are not dead are here."

"I need to go to my pack. I'll be back, though. We're keeping our tunnel open, dad wants the Lusa tunnel open too."

"Alright," he sighed before he looked around. "Aaron?!"

"Ya?!" Aaron called out before he jogged forward, just as beaten up and as bloody as Jake.

"Go open that Lusa tunnel!"

"Ok! How's Ethan?" he rushed out.

I shook my head. "It's best if the pack doesn't see him right now. I'll be back."

Both Aaron and Jake gave me sad nods before I took off towards our pack. Our pack that was just as chaotic as Mangata's. A witch named Jack with a hawk was sealing the doors shut with witches gathered around a woman named Marie and her eagle, Hera, that died.

I looked around until I caught sight of David. "David!" I called out.

"Lucas!" a little girl called out.

Penelope was standing in the chaos of things, crying and shaking in her skin. I ran to her and scooped her up, looking her over before I let out a relieved sigh when she just seemed to be scared. "Pen, you ok?"

"Is it true? Is Charlotte dead Lucas?"

I bit back the pain and nodded to her. "Ya Pen. She didn't make it."

Penelope's eyes widened before she let out a sob. She cried on my shoulder while I carried her over to where David was organizing our men with Bowie as Claire stood next to Lander with Lyle in her arms; Zachariah working furiously on him.

David turned and let out a long breath when he saw me with Penelope. "Oh my God Pen," he rushed out before he jogged to me, taking the little girl in his arms that was crying hard. "Oh baby it's ok. I'm right here."

"Daddy she's dead!"

David stilled then blinked hard and nodded. "She's going to be fine Pen. The moon's a happy place remember?"

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