Chapter 10 - Another One?

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A/N - This is late I know, but I am finishing this up rather quickly in one of my classes.  XD School's been kicking my ass, and then I'm finally actually moving soon!  So that's an improvement, I guess.  I know it will probably mess up whatever schedule I had going, if I had one.  yes, this is still short, but I'm a bit pressed for time!  Sorry about that guys!! But never mind the rambling. 



Alice slowly came to and she was indeed surprised when she woke up. Once she realized her situation, her body filled with fear and her eyes widened rapidly breathing heavy and she looked around frantically. She was in a small room covered in tile, her clothes had been reduced to nothing but old cloth that covered her chest and her lower region. Her hand were shackled and chained up beside her head to the wall behind her as he ankles were bound together in metal binds. The room itself was brightly lit and there was an observation glass in the front of it, she could see people beyond it, working diligently.

She pulled harshly on her chains, and let out a scream of frustration and fear. The workers inside only then took notice of her awakening. One young woman ran out of the room and soon came back with a man trailing behind her. The same man she saw in her mind, and the same man who Shin-ah had seen.

He entered the room through a small, metal door as he strolled in with the same sly grin that Alice sickly remembered from all those years ago. The man walked to her before offering her a harsh slam across her cheek. Her head remained to the side, her right cheek reddening and her hair had been thrown off center as strand fell in her face. The man then harshly grabbed her chin and pulled her face to look at him.

"Where oh where have you been?" She was terrified, but she need to keep her emotions in check. Her body trembled, but she wouldn't show it so she tried her damnedest to hide her fear. The man chuckled at her attempt.

"Scared are you little one? Now, there is no need for fear. It'll be just like the old days, and since you remember me, you will know what to expect. There is no need for fear." His eyes shone with a sick sense of pleasure from having exactly what he wanted in front of him.

"Lucille, what did you do to me. Did you touch Shin-ah?" The man blinked a few times, the grin never leaving his face.

"Shin-ah? Oh, you mean dragon boy? No, he remained where he should, away from you." Alice felt a slight bit of relief, Shin-ah was safe. That is all she could wish for, is that he stay safe and he fulfil his role to protect Yona. He shouldn't have told her he loved her, because now, she wanted nothing more than to see him at least one more time. However, at this rate, she wouldn't want to see him knowing what Lucille will put her through.

"Now, you've been gone a long time Alice. You're 'friends' will find you soon enough, so let's give them a show shall we?" Alice stared in horror, her eyes shaking and her body trembling as Lucille produced a syringe filled with a green substance. Alice knew all too well what the liquid was, as she shook her head, trying to hard to keep him away from her. He walked to her and grabbed her chin, pulling her head to reveal the side of her neck. Plunging the syringe into the soft skin, her body began to tense and a mask was placed over her face.

"Now, we take our leave and wait little one."


Right now, Yona was furious. Her eyes burned with the determination and rage of a deity. Alice was taken and Shin-ah immobilized. Shin-ah was now able to move around again, but he still felt dizzy. He felt weak. He couldn't be there to keep Alice safe, he watched as she was taken from him. Every detail still burned into his mind. He looked down to his fist, the same hand he used to hold Alice to his chest in that moment of peace.

Jae-ha, who had left with Kija and Hak to look in the direction the man had taken Alice soon returned, and brought some uplifting news. Hak gave Yona the information, as well as Shin-ah, Yun, and Zeno who were also present.

"Not too far from here is a hidden lab like building. It's likely the Squirt it is there, however it seemed heavily guarded and with her on the line as collateral damage, this might be a bit tricky." Silence fell and soon Yona began to speak.

"Alice, I think this is what happened before she found the village. She lived in that place she was taken to. Seeing all her scars from there, and then to see the hurt she got in her village, she never had the chance to experience true happiness, she was clueless about it. I don't want her entire life to be void of something like that. She deserves it more than anyone does."

Shin-ah was listening, but didn't want to take anything in. He was so busy with scanning any sort of area that his eyes could reach for any signs at all for where Alice was taken. He remembered what the man looked like, so as soon as he saw someone from him or her, he'd immediately take action. Looking around, he stopped. His breathing stopped and he looked at the other dragon warriors around him. They all looked at each other, all getting the same feeling. Hak had seemed to pick up on their behavioral difference.

"Hey, what's with you dragons?" The all looked at each other before Jaehee crossed his arms and looked out towards a valley like, rocky area across the terrain. The other dragons were all staring in that direction as well, eyes hard as they filled with curiosity.

"We can feel the presence of another dragon in that direction."  

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