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I'm sorry for seemingly dropping off the face of the earth for a while.  I've been pretty sick lately, and I never knew how hard it was to actually breathe easily until I can't breathe at all XD

ANYWAYS, I'm just saying I'm not dead, and this story is still a thing so help me god XD  I just hit a road block with the story progression, then I got sick, and then school started pouring all these assignments and not to mention club activities TT^TT

Now, pushing the excuses aside, I after I move some boxes and what not into storage, I will try and write a next chapter.  I don't know how long it will be, but until I get a solid idea on how I was it to play out and write something to make it flow nicely, I don't know if the next few chapters will be as long as I usually make them.  They may be pretty short considering.  

Thanks to all who had read this far and also sorry to those who had read this far and haven't seen any progress of the story.  I'll try really hard to make some content for you all and hopefully get this story rolling again.  

Once again, I'm very sorry for the delay of my sickly state, I'll hopefully be fully recovered soon and I'll get those chapters out!  I promise!!!!!!

-Ms. Author

When Fates Intertwine And Create The Dawn - Shin-ah x (OC)Where stories live. Discover now