Chapter 1 - The Second Red

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A/N - I want to thank EclispeHunter (sorry if I got something in your user wrong >~<) for giving me a push and some confidence in this story publishing. I don't have much to say right now, but I hope you enjoy the first chapter of this AkaYona adventure. ^^



It was a day that the sky was covered in clouds, and the temperature dropped several degrees, the wind picked up and without fail, small droplets began to fall from the sky. Yona and her group of friends, Hak, Yun, Kija, Shin-ah, Jeaha and Zeno all walked through the forest as it began to drizzle. Picking up their pace, it wasn't until the ran had began to pour that they began to rethink moving forward. They were ready to stop and take cover under a few thick trees, but that was until the ground beneath them, now soft from the rain had gave way and both Yun and Yona began to fall. Yona in her quick thinking reached out and grabbed a hold of Hak's cloak causing him to tip backwards as well. It was a small tumble down a small hill with only minor injuries. Yun's only injury was on his cheek where he was cut by a branch that collided with his face. Yona had twisted her ankle and Hak scraped his arm up on a tree, trying to break his fall, but to no avail.

The three of them all lay on the muddy ground, groaning as the four dragon warriors all carefully made their way down to where they fell. Kija helped up Yona, Shin-ah Yun, and Jeaha helped Hak, much to his disapproval. There was still a bit of mixed feelings Hak had with Jeaha, what with the whole incident when they first met. It still gives him chills honestly. Shin-ah looked through the forest, and walked over to Yona, tapping her on the shoulder.

"What is it?" Shin-ah, being the man of few words he is, just lifted his arm and with his index finger, pointed. Hak walked up behind the two as Shin-ah lowered his arm. Hak's spear was hoisted back on his shoulders as his one free hand was on his hip.

"Is there a village up ahead?" Shin-ah looked at Hak, nodding. "Well, let's get moving. Maybe someone will put us up, keep us out of this rain." Hak began walking forward, the rest of his group following behind him. Not 20 minutes later, they emerged from the forest and came across, but of course, the rain had basically stopped. A quick rainfall and of course as soon as they find a way out of it, it stops. It seems the universe is at odds with them this day.

The end of the forest lead to the beginning of a very small looking village. Their houses were fair, nothing close to elegant, but they held strongly, except for one house, that looked a bit worse for wear. The village civilians began to come out of the protection of their homes to complete the chores the rain had delayed as they spotted Yona's group. Naturally they all got a pretty rude first impression remark. Think about it, a group of a girl who wears a hood everywhere, a large man who carries a spear, a small girly-boy, a silver haired, dragon handed boy, a pirate, a masked man and a large yellow child who happens to be older than he appears. They were an odd bunch, so the snarky comments didn't really bother them.

The began to walk around, being ignored by the citizens until they began to hear some ruckus. They rounded a corner, the house that was in a dreary condition was being currently violated by timid little brats who were throwing sticks and stones they found on the ground. Yona, not liking this scene started yelling at them.

"Hey! Stop that!" The kids looked to the group, also earning them some looks from some working adults. The kids were going to backmouth Yona when they caught sight of the men behind her. A glaring Hak is scary enough, but with a mask man with a thick sword, a pirate, and a silver haired lizard to add to it, someone could very well piss themselves. The kids dropped the remaining ammunition and ran off, earning a huff from Yona and a sigh from Hak. They would continue on their way, but soon the wooden door that was being held in the doorway was slightly cracked open. It was then that the villagers behind them began to whisper.

When Fates Intertwine And Create The Dawn - Shin-ah x (OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя