Chapter 41: Sacrifice

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The fight lasted longer than they had all expected. It seems Rawena still had a lot of power left inside her as she continued an onslaught of attack at the tiring group. Leandra had managed to counter attack the dark spell she had inflicted on the dead. Laralen and Turwaithiel fought alongside her, finally adjusting to their power, to their talent.

Yet Rawena's attacks only grew stronger, harsher, more convicting and all of them were tiring. Even Thranduil knew they could not keep up with all this nonsense. If only they could get to Rawena. Stop it from the source but it was almost near impossible to get to her. Almost as if she was purposely tiring all of them out and that was never a good sign.

Thranduil moved quickly, his eyes on his target. He briefly glanced at everyone around him, everyone who was fighting. His son, the prince, was a few feet away. It was evident in the way he slacked that he was tired. Thranduil knew he had not really recovered from his last ordeal. Whatever curse was there still had lasting effects on the prince, effects he wished would not be the reason for his death. Thranduil cut through a group of elven soldiers, whom he knew worked for him. He tried to convince himself that they were already dead. That this was utter disrespect on Rawena's part for disturbing the peace of the fallen soldiers. He never even stopped to think and understand the impossibility of it all for he knew it would only be useless. What he would do to have Manthaniel by his side right now because she always made sense to him. Every single thing about her always made sense to him.

"Ada!" He hears Legolas scream, a tone of panic in his voice but Thranduil could not understand why that was until he felt something cold stab him by his right shoulder. He winces in pain but does not cry out as he turns and slices through the creature, whose face he remembered. The creature hisses before crumbling to the ground in ash. This time, Thranduil does hiss, biting his lip to stop him from uttering a sound of pain. He could feel the blade still even though it had turned to ash just like the one who wielded it. He knew it to be poisonous. He cursed under his breath and looked for his son, who was trying to get to him. How could he have let such a thing happen? How careless. He couldn't raise his right arm, he realized at it seemed to grow numb that his sword fell from his grasp. Legolas was shouting, watching his father mask the pain of what he knew to be a poisonous cut.

Leandra's warning echoed through all their heads. Do not let them touch you. Legolas merely looks at her, watching her face quickly conceal the horror upon seeing Thranduil in such a state. It was not good. Legolas knew. He fought for a way towards his father, who was already staggering backwards. Falasdir had reached his father's side, the look on his face was that of confusion and panic and yet the captain of the royal guard fended off the creatures that approached the King. Falasdir calls out to him but Thranduil felt the poison move so fast across his blood as he dropped his other sword. What kind of magic was this? That seemed to render him immobile?

Falasdir found himself surrounded as Legolas was kicked to the ground. The creatures seemed to just grow stronger with each wave. Everyone was trying to get to the King, who had already fallen on his knees. Legolas watched as the world seemed to slow down. Watched as his father, the great King of Mirkwood. A warrior known by many, fall to the ground, unable to move. He screamed as Rawena's laugh echoed through the wretched battlefield of ash and the dead.

One of the creatures, tall as he was, had reached the king. His eyes were like coal, his lips dark and dry. He picked up Thranduil's sword, like a mindless servant. Legolas knew he was being controlled. Every creature here was being controlled. Thranduil desperately tried to move yet he crumpled on the ground, his limbs useless. What kind of magic was this? He saw Turwaithiel watching him with wide eyes, her hand glowing a fierce color. She ran to him only to be blocked over and over again. Was this how Thranduil was going to die? He thought of his wife and of their unborn child. Remembered how he was left to raise Legolas on his own. Was he going to leave such a fate to his wife? Was Manthaniel going to raise their child alone? He cursed inwardly, the sadness and regret more real than ever before. He could not even will himself to get angry. The sword was raised above him and he felt time pause for a moment as he remembered the first time he ever laid eyes on his wife. The first time Legolas had called him father. The sword descends upon him and he closes his eyes, hoping for a quick death when nothing came. When he pried his eyes open, ash rained down on him as the arrow that lodged on his attackers heart fell to the ground in front of him.

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