"Where did you sleep? Did you spend the night at her house? I swear, Luke, if you're having sex-"

"We didn't have sex, mum. Her dad's out of town and she asked me to stay with her. We overslept so that's why I wasn't at school today." I said.

"Is she okay?" She asked. I like how she's more concerned about Avery instead of her own son.

"Yeah, she's fine." I replied.

I heard her sigh on the other end of the line. "You better be home soon, young man. We will continue this conversation later."


"I love you." She said.

"I love you too, bye." And with that, I hung up.

I went downstairs and met Avery in the kitchen.

"What did your mum say?" She asked, setting down her glass of water.

"That I'm in trouble for not coming home last night, not telling her where I was, and skipping school." I answered.

"I'm sorry, I feel like this is my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to stay."

"It's fine, really. Don't blame yourself."

She nodded and sipped from her glass.

"So what are you gonna make me to eat?" I asked, leaning against the counter.

"We just had popcorn." She chuckled.

"That was like ten minutes ago, now I'm hungry."

"Well I made the popcorn, so I think it's your turn to make something." She grinned.

"How about I order a pizza instead?" I laughed. "You don't want anything I make."

"Sounds good to me." She said, hopping off the stool and leaving the kitchen.

I looked up the pizza place and called in our order, joining her in the living room a few minutes later.

I don't know how long is too long for me to stay here. I stayed the night, we woke up and watched a movie, and now we're waiting on the pizza to arrive. I'm fine with spending all this time with her but I don't want to tire her of me. She only invited me to stay as a friend and nothing else. I'll probably leave after we eat so I don't overstay my welcome and go home to face my mother's wrath.

"What do you wanna watch?" She asked, flipping through the channels.

"It doesn't matter." I shrugged. I didn't really want to watch t.v., I had so many questions but I didn't know if it was the appropriate time to ask them.

"Are you okay?" She asked as if reading my mind. "You've seemed a bit off ever since you got off the phone with your mum. If you have to leave, I understand. I didn't expect you to stay so long."

"It's not that." I said. "There are just so many questions I have but I don't know where to start and I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I admitted.

"It's okay, you can ask me anything." She turned to me.

"Okay," I nodded, "just let me know if you're uncomfortable at any time."

She nodded. "Ask away."

"What does he do to you, exactly?" I asked.

"Well...he grabs me, slaps me, and throws me around. I've been to the hospital quite a few times with something broken that I had to blame on a bike accident or falling from a tree. He's not just physically abusive, either. He constantly degrades me, making me feel as though everything I do is wrong and making me feel less of a person." She looked down at her hands in her lap and I had to fight the temptation to reach out and hold them.

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