it's almost za end

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(unedited bc i wanted to get this up ASAP also don't forget to comment cause they entertain me so much ok shutting up)

"Kid, if the gas is runnin' so's the meter. You gonna stay in here all night?" 

The bill i was racking up was honestly the last thing on my mind. Instead I was overthinking everything. Like always. "Give me a minute please." 

The driver let out a grunt in response and I focused on taking long, deep breaths. 

The inside of the stuffy taxi was suffocating, but i preferred it marginally to what was waiting for me outside. 

Or rather who was waiting for me outside. 

6332270816: did u die

Speak of the devil. 

Whenever I felt like things between Drew and I were going well, the other shoe would drop and things always turned to absolute shit. 

I had barely had enough time to process the fact that he was back in my life again and now I was about to see him in person. 

It's fucking crazy how much I had longed for this and now that it was finally happening I was hiding out in a car that smelt like a combination of dog pee and cigarettes. 

My fingers hovered over the keyboard while I contemplated how to respond. Should I make up an excuse and tell the drive to floor it and bolt? Even as i mentally considered the option I knew I wouldn't be able to do it. 

My stupid, irrational feelings held me back. 

I was risking my sanity to be here, I figured I might as well give up my pride too and answer him honestly. 

Lucky Charm: I'm scared

6332270816: of what 

Lucky Charm: what i'm going to see when i come out 

6332270816: i'm not that ugly 

I appreciated his humour, but it didn't ease my nerves.

Lucky Charm:  how bad is this big secret

6332270816: depends how u react to it sash 

Lucky Charm: you asked me to promise you that nothing will change 

Lucky Charm: i need you to promise me that everything will change 

Lucky Charm: no more secrets after this 

6332270816: i can promise that i will try 

Lucky Charm: how do we do this thing?

6332270816: u have to get out of the car first 

Lucky Charm: right 

Lucky Charm: one sec 

I paid the driver the cab fee and he didn't bother to hide his eagerness to finally be rid of me. 

Lucky Charm: okay i'm out 

Lucky Charm: what now?

6332270816: turn around 

Lucky Charm: Now what??

6332270816: nothing 

6332270816: thought i'd get a quick peek at ur ass 

6332270816: but I cant see it properly from here

6332270816:  :( 

6332270816: I can see u shaking ur head 

Under The Eiffel |  j.b ✓Where stories live. Discover now