Za can't sing either

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"Why is at all black?"

"It's dark in my room, turn your camera on." His cool, almost raspy voice affected me more than the first time we spoke. Especially now that I had this silly crush on him.

"No chance," I protested, "Not until I seem some light."

He let out an annoyed groan and I heard a thump, some footsteps and a click.

Drew came back into view but I still wasn't overly pleased. I assumed it was a lamp he had turned on but it hadn't made much of a difference. 

"I still can't see you properly! You do this all the time when you send pics on snapchat too."

"You complain a lot for some one who hasn't even turned their camera on." He muttered dryly.

I let out a breath of air. I hadn't really thought it through when I asked Drew to face-time me. When it took him a while to reply I really thought he was going to say no. But he didn't even reply. One minute I was devouring some Ice-cream and the next, the familiar face-time tone was buzzing from my phone.

Now I'm sitting here wondering why God had allowed me to be so stupid. Why hadn't a hurricane ransacked through my town, stopping me before i asked him? Or a tsunami! I lived on the coast, why hadn't a big wave swept my phone away from me?

Because now, I had to face-time Drew in a wrangled old t-shirt.

I pulled my straight hair out of the low bun i had it in and ran a hand through it, hoping to make it look as though I wanted it to be messy.

There wasn't much I could do for my face. It's not like I could leave Drew waiting while I went and applied make up.


Could I?

"Hurry up Sasha." I swear he whined so much sometimes I forgot he was 22.

"Chill. I was looking for the um," why was I trying to make up an excuse? I was terrible at lying on the spot! "The light switch!"

"The one that's stuck to your wall?" He wasn't buying it!

"Yes," I tried to not sound as breathless as I felt. "Because its dark in here, so I had to feel around for it." That was not bad, almost good, for me.

Without giving myself another second to doubt myself I clicked the little icon that would turn my camera on. 

"You have something on your face." Drew immediately stated, amused.  

My reflection in the bottom hand corner of my phone told me he wasn't lying.  

Vanilla ice-cream coated a patch of skin near my upper lip. 

"It looks like dried c-," 

"Don't!" I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence but he laughed at me anyway. "It was ice-cream you pervert!" 

"Leave it on," He said when i scrubbed at it with my fingers to take it off. "It makes me think things. Not good things. Bad things. Dirty things." Drew added suggestively. 

"Okay we get it! But now it's your turn." I settled back into my cushions comfortably. 


"Turn on your light." 

"I can't, my cousin's asleep." 

That I couldn't argue with. I suppose it wasn't too bad. I could still make out his silhouette. I couldn't see any of the features on his face properly though, except his eyes. A shining golden brown.

Under The Eiffel |  j.b ✓Where stories live. Discover now