The November Meeting

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Maddie's POV

Dear Diary

3:30 pm

We have been standing in the cold and the rain for about 2 hours now in front of the venue for the gig that A got us ticket to. I can't wait. It will be nice to go to a small gig compared to what I usually go to. And it's really nice to go somewhere with A that hasn't got anything to do with horses. We've met theses really nice girls next to us. They said that they've been to quite a few gigs of the 3 bands we are seeing tonight, and that they've met them quite a few times as well. A is so excited she literally bouncing off the walls. It's so funny how ...

OMG! Over Atlantic just walked passed us into the venue. And Trevor said hi to us. A is full on freaking out at this point and it makes me laugh so much. They are really good looking. I have to say I didn't really expected them to look so hot. Maybe I'm just being really weird and trying to find guys attractive after the fact that I broke up with Jack, because I'm finding the blondes really hot and I'm not normally a blonde kind of girl. I don't know.

4:45 pm

We have just met Sean and Liam. I repeat. Just met Sean and Liam. And Gabe gave us a hug. I can't believe this. A and I got pics with Liam and Sean. Oh, my God Sean is so hot. And is the perfect height for me to wear heels without me being too shot for him or towering over him. He is blonde which has shocked me a bit but I've got to say he is just drop dead gorgeous. I wouldn't kick him out of bed. I can't believe that I feel like this, especially as I've kinda just broke up with Jack (if you can call it that). I don't know what to think at the moment.

9:30 pm

This has been the most amazing night of my life. I met Sean and Liam twice, got single selfies and double with A with both, hugs from both and Gabe and the whole way through Sean kept making eye contact with me. I am full on losing it. And I may have fangirled a bit when I told Blake from New Hope Club that he was 1 day younger than me but he knows my birthday now.

A is just amazing to have got me tickets to see these guys, I love that girl to bits. And she has turned me into a full-on fangirl now as we sang the whole way to the station. I can't wait to see them again. We're getting tickets to one of their 2017 early gigs and wanted to go to their first headliner this weekend but can't go as have work which is a pain.

11:00 pm

I'm still buzzing and have school tomorrow. Really need to get some sleep.

Maddie, Xx

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