"I don't have homework today but I have to go to the bookroom to check out the books I need to catch up" I say while keeping to myself the fact that I wasn't able to get lunch. He would give me money we needed and he was the one that would need it more than me. He would start working and that was his lunch, I would definitely pay Lukas anything he lent me.

Ian smiles and even from here, I could see that his shoulders had relaxed a little. This place was good, at least so far. It was working out. "That's great" he smiles and takes a drink of his water, "I'm going to be working late tomorrow" he starts and raises his eyes to me, "Are you sure you're fine with taking the bus? I can always ask-"

"Its your first day" I scoff even though I really wanted him to pick me up again. I lick my lips and offer a smile, "I'm fine. Promise. Besides, it'll only be for a while. You need this job. I'll be fine. I'll just get my books right after class and take the bus."

He hums a little, brows just slightly tilted inward, "Make sure not to miss your bus, alright?" he says and I give him a small smile. I wouldn't miss it.


"It's Friday" Gabbie chirps as she clung to her boyfriend, Kyle, her arm slung around his shoulder as he kept an arm around her waist. Her eyes turn to me and she smiles, "What are you doing tonight? I book you, you're coming with us."

I blink and feel my heart hit my chest a little roughly. My eyes turn to the front of the board where the teacher had written our assignment for the weekend. I knew I didn't have them for my afternoon, but I forgot to ask about our morning classes. Now I noticed that I had them three before lunch, too. Cameron was taking another class this period.

Finally, I stand up after grabbing my things and clutching my notebook against me as some sort of wall between us. "I-... I have to be home tonight."

Lukas smiles a little, "It's okay-"

"Okay" Gabbie says and shrugs, "Then we'll go to your house. If you're home bound, let's take the fun to him?" she grins.

I think my heart exploded, "I-" I didn't even know what to freaking say! "My- uh, I... I'm busy" I finally say and hold my breath, "It's, uh... I have a mess."

Gabbie raises an eyebrow, "I'm a very fast cleaner."

"Gabbie" Lukas says in a tone that had me flushing because he obviously knew I was lying.

I clear my throat and reach up to tug at the collar of my shirt, "My brother doesn't like strangers" I finally murmur, and I didn't have to worry about my heart pounding because I wasn't lying. He really didn't, though maybe the reason was completely different than it should be. I offer a small smile, "He doesn't want anyone home while he's not there."

"Where will he be?" Lukas asks as we make our way out of the room and towards the cafeteria, where they said Cameron would meet us- at least on the way there he would.

I lick my lips, "Work. He works at..." I shouldn't even tell them where he works. He'd get super angry, "He works as a cashier. He barely got the job."

"Okay" he nods before we continue walking, turning to his cousin. A small flush hits my cheeks when Lukas steps a little closer to me, his arm brushing mine. He was talking to Gabbie though so I didn't think he even noticed he did so.

He was to my left and she was to his left so it came as a surprise the hard shove that met my side, my binder being shoved from my arms. I turn around at the loud snickers and felt a little glad that my glasses hadn't fallen too.

"Dude, what the hell?" Lukas demands as he stops beside me, towering over me at my side. I wasn't that short but damn these people were tall.

The guy who bumped me was taller than me, his hair a dark blond, his eyes a sharp green. He spreads his arms at his sides a little, "Just welcoming the new kid" he snickers, two guys at his side smirking at me. He stares at Lukas a little before his eyes snap to me and I clearly see his eyes widen a little. The sudden change in his posture, his expression, left me stunned. His mouth opens a little before closing and his cheeks turn a little pale, "Uh, sorry" he mumbles before turning and walking away rather quickly.

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