Running From The Runway

Start from the beginning

I showed up the next day and everything basically took off from there. Eventually I had to tell Javier about my past. About the fact that I was now homeless and I didn't have any family to return to even if I did return.

He understood, having a similar- but not as tough youth.

He helped me from there. He was like a father figure to me. He made me the star of his agency. When I told him I didn't want my face on any billboards in America he basically gave me an all around the world modeling ticket. Almost every country but this one featured me in nearly every city.

Only three years ago did I deicide to have my pictures released here.

Three years ago I went back home for one reason and one only.

My brother.

Some how, some way he got in contact with me. I was in Javier’s office when one of his assistants walked in. By this time me and Javier had formed a bond. I was to him, like the son he never had. He had bought me an apartment not too far from his house and got me a car. He bought me everything that I needed.

When I protested that I didn't want to be handed anything he made an arrangement. Seeing as though I was already working for him he said he'd just take the money from modeling jobs I got until it was all I owed. Later on he ended up putting it into a college fund for Cody, without my knowledge.

Speaking of Cody; the assistant walked in saying words that sent my mind into a whirlwind.

A series of small but noticeable knocks rang at the door. I turned my head to see the assistant entering after Javier gave her the okay.

''Mr. Stark, excuse my interruption,'' She then turned her attention to me. ''Mr. Vitale your brother, Cody, is on line one and would like to speak to you.''

''My who?'' I asked immediately. I got up from my seat, feeling my brain thudding against my skull. ''Who called to speak with me?'' I asked her again not even giving her time to answer the first time.

''A Cody Vitale, he says he's your brother. He's on line one Sir.'' Janet, the assistant, said before exiting the office.

''Damien, Damien are you going to pick up the phone?'' Javier asked me. My feet wanted to walk over to the phone but I couldn't manage it. I couldn't even manage speaking for a minute as I was wondering if I had suddenly fallen asleep or something.

My brother?

How could that even be possible?

It had been four years and although I had never stopped thinking about him I thought he'd forget me, or even worse, our parents would brainwash him into disowning me as well.

By the time I snapped back into my senses, Javier had already picked up the phone and was talking to the person on the other end, talking to Cody.

''Yes, he's right here, give me just a second,'' I turned and my eyes immediatly connected with Javier’s. ''Come get the fucking phone Damien, what're you waiting for, the kid sounds like he's near tears.''

I had had many very long, depressed, talks with Javier about my family and my life before and after everything happened. He knew who my brother was, and that he was possibly the only family I had left, if any.

I walked myself over to Javier’s desk, taking the phone that he was reaching to me. Hesitantly, -not because I didn't want to, but because I expected I never would hear his voice again- I placed the phone to my ear.

''Cody?'' I asked into the phone. I heard breathing on the other end. And then the sound of his saddened voice.

''Damien, Damien can you please come get me. J-Just take me with you, I don't care where. I-I just can't stay here anymore. They're smothering me Damien, they're smothering me and I'll never be like they want me to be.'' He said in a cracked voice. A much older voice. Three years.

After that I left immediatly to go get him. I arranged it that so he'd be packed and ready to go on a day that both our parents were out of the house. I didn't want to see them. Ever. I picked Cody up the following week, leaving thirty grand, a note that explained everything pertaining to his whereabouts, and the card of one Javier’s very good lawyers on the table.

They never called.

I hope they're happy with their money.

Ever since then Cody has been living with me. I've raised him, with much needed help from Javier that I appreciate so deeply. We got a house just a few streets over from where Javier lives. Which is good, considering when I travel, which I do a lot, there will be someone to keep an eye on him, even though he is seventeen now.

I glanced on the wall at the clock again. I had twenty minutes to get dressed. I stripped from my clothes quickly.

I grabbed my wardrobe and put it on, looking in the mirror and assuring that it looked alright.

After all this reminiscing I could actually feel a pounding headache coming on. I didn't have any pain pills on me so I would just have to tough it out. I've been through worse. And besides.

There's no running from the runway.


So there it was! A look at what Damien has become now, and a glimpse of what he has gone through.

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Posted: Dec. 9, 2016

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