Whole again

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The phone call came an hour and twenty minutes later and neither man could contain their excitement as they approached Brie and Roman's house. Of course the journey seemed impossibly long. Emma had only been gone for just over a week but it seemed a lot longer to them.

''Hey'' Dean said as Brie opened the door ''We came as fast as we could''

''Roman's only been gone about half and hour'' Brie replied as she let the two men inside

The three of them knew that Hunter would want to speak to Roman and fill him in on what's happened after Dean's visit and so far their plan was working out perfectly

Brie made her way inside of Emma's temporary bedroom and picked up a bag, handing it to Seth ''I made up a bag of all the things she came with''

''Oh ok thanks'' Seth replied as he tossed the bag over his shoulders, frowning slightly as he noticed a suitcase sat beside the couch ''You going away for a while?"

''You could say that'' Brie said as she walked towards them with a sleeping Emma in her arms, handing her over to her eager daddy

Dean held the little girl close to him as she slept with her head resting on his shoulder ''Are you going to stay with your mum?''

''Yeah'' Brie sighed ''I can't be here when Roman gets back, there's no telling what he could do when he finds out that Emma's gone. Besides I'll be safe there, it's a gated community so no one is getting in unless I say so''

Dean nodded, smiling slightly as Seth made his way over to them, kissing Emma on the head

''Well we better get going. Call us if you need anything'' Dean said, making sure to keep his voice quiet as he made his way towards the door ''We can never thank you enough for doing this for us''

''She was a pleasure to have, despite everything that happened'' Brie replied as she made her way to her car, watching on as Dean settled Emma into the back seat, strapping her in before making his way to the drivers seat and driving off

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It was an hour later when Emma finally woke, safely curled up in Seth's arms 

''PAPA!!'' The little girl shrieked, waking Seth out of his nap as she threw her little arms around his neck

''You miss us baby?'' Dean asked as he made his way into the room, smiling at the scene in front of him

''DADDY!!'' Emma screeched standing to her feet, jumping up and down excitedly on Seth's stomach

''Come here'' Dean said as he extended his arms out to her, lifting her up and spinning her around ''I missed you''

Emma reached out to Dean, touching his face ''Where you go Daddy? You and Papa leave''

The question caught Dean off guard. He knew that his daughter would realize that he and Seth had been missing and wonder where they were but he wasn't prepared to answer any questions she might have had. What did he even say to her? He couldn't tell her she was kidnapped, she wouldn't understand. He looked over at Seth, completely lost for what to say as Emma just stared at him, her eyes identical to Seth's.

''We won't ever leave you like that again ok. I promise'' Seth said as he stood up and made his way over to them ''Isn't that right daddy?'' he asked as he looked at Dean

''Yeah that's right'' Dean confirmed as Emma smiled at them, seemingly pleased with their answer

''We went to park'' Emma announced a few seconds later

''You did?'' Dean replied ''With Brie?''

The little girl nodded and Dean carried her over to the couch

 ''Did you have fun?'' Seth asked as he sat down beside them

Neither one of them wanted to let Emma go even for a second. They had missed her so much and they were both relieved to see that she hadn't been hurt at all

''Yeah'' Emma replied ''Read story daddy?'' Emma asked as she sat down in Dean's lap

Seth passed Dean a book that was on the coffee table and Kevin jumped up beside him, settling down on Seth's lap as Dean opened the book and began to read

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