Bribery and heartbreak

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[A year and three months later]

* * *

I couldn't help but feel nervous as I made my way towards the office of The Authority. I had been summoned without any explanation and I had a bad feeling that whatever the reason was, it wouldn't be a good one. I took a deep breath and willed myself to stay calm as I knocked on the door.

''Ah Dean! Come in'' Hunter greeted, a little too enthusiastically as he opened the door

I immediately noticed that Stephanie, Kane and Randy were also in the room and now I was really nervous as all four of them stared at me intensely

''What's this all about?'' I asked

I just wanted this whole thing to be over with so I could go home

''We've got a proposition for you Dean and i want you probably consider it before you answer'' Hunter explained ''We want you to join The Authority''

I couldn't help but laugh. To think they had the cheek to call me crazy ''I would rather choke on my own vomit''

Hunter simply smirked at me ''Excuse me I almost forgot my manners. I heard you and Seth had a kid. Congratulations''

It was one thing to approach me directly but to bring Seth and Emma into it was completely out of order, not to mention unnecessary. 

"Leave them out of this Hunter'' I warned ''If you so much as lay one finger on them I swear to god-''

''I'd seriously think about what you're about to say next" Randy said as he stepped forward

"Who put 10 cents in you!?" I replied "Sit back down cream puff!"

Randy remained where he was until Hunter cleared his throat, motioning for him to return to his seat

"I desire two things from you Dean" Hunter continued "And if I were you I'd seriously consider taking me up on my offer. That's if you want to remain employed"

"I'm listening" I said

"Like I said. I want you to join The Authority" Hunter repeated "And divorce Seth"

"Wait a second" I protested "Divorce Seth!?''

"That's what i said" Hunter confirmed

''Why are you so against us being together?" I asked

Hunter pulls out his phone and dials a number. Randy, Stephanie and Kane watch on as Hunter waits for someone to answer

"Yeah It's Hunter. Tell me...what are Seth and Emma doing right now?'' 

He presses the speakerphone button and smirks as Dean's eyes widen in horror.

'I've got a visual on them right now. They are both in the nursary, Seth's just putting her down for a nap'

''Can you still do what I asked?'' Hunter asked

'Just say the word boss'

''OK STOP!" Dean yelled desperately "I'LL DO IT!!''

He wasn't quite sure what Hunter had in mind for Seth and Emma but he knew it wasn't good and he refused to let anything happen to either one of them.

''What was that?'' Hunter asked 

''I said I'll do it just please don't hurt them'' Dean begged

Hunter smirks and takes the phone off speaker, bringing it up to his ear ''You hear that? Yeah I don't require your services any longer'' he says before handing up

''Good choice Dean'' Kane taunts

Stephanie steps forward, grabs hold of Dean's hand and shakes it forcibly "Welcome to The Authority. You're free to go and break the bad news to Seth. Oh and remember, we'll be watching''

Dean leaves the office and gets into his car, his stomach twisting the closer he gets to home. The last thing he wanted to do was break up with Seth, he loved him more than anything and never wanted to be without him, but if he didn't, he and Emma could be seriously hurt, which left him with no other choice.

''Hey babe'' Seth beams, greeting Dean with a kiss as he comes through the door

Dean moves away from him, dropping his bags down on the floor 

''Are you okay?'' Seth asks, looking a little sad from the rejection

''No'' Dean replies sternly, avoiding eye contact with the younger man as he makes his way over to the staircase ''Is Emma awake?''

Seth takes hold of Dean's arm, stopping him from going anywhere ''What's wrong?''

Dean finally looked at him, wanting nothing more than to hold him close as his large brown eyes filled with worry ''I think we should get a divorce''

Seth's arm fell down to his side and for a few seconds he was shocked silent ''Y-you're joking right? This is some kind of sick joke?''

''No I'm being serious'' Dean clarifies

''WHAT THE FUCK DEAN!! SINCE WHEN?'' Seth yelled as Dean just stood there "I thought we were happy. What's changed?" 

Dean looked down at the floor. He couldn't look at Seth any longer, if he did he would break ''We can um. We can co-parent. Emma can stay with me some nights and then here when she's not with me, we can work something out''

''Look at me and tell me you don't love me anymore'' Seth begged

Dean chanced a look at him, his stomach immediately sinking as he saw how upset Seth was ''I don't love you anymore Seth"

Seth closed his eyes "You're lying. Something else is going on here and I don't know what it is but I'm not letting you take Emma away from me" 

Seth pushed past Dean to make his way upstairs. Dean followed him as Seth walked into Emma's room, picking her up.

'' cry'' The two year old says as she reaches towards him, her little fingers resting on his cheeks

''Seth. Give her to me'' Dean says, only for Seth to move away from him

''No. You can't'' Seth cries as Emma clings to him "She's all I have left"

''I'm her father too'' 

''I gave birth to her'' Seth argued

''Please don't do this babe you're upsetting her!!' Dean said as Emma starts crying

Seth made his way over to Dean, his eyes cold ''You don't get to call me that anymore. Leave. Get the fuck away from me right now before i do something I'll regret!!''

Dean sighs as he looks down at Emma, giving her a quick kiss on the head before doing what Seth said. Desperate cries of daddy filling his ears as he walked away

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