Putting things into perspective

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The last few weeks had been manic. Between hospital appointments, traveling and wrestling Seth and I hadn't had much time to just sit down and enjoy each others company. I love him with all of my heart but recently he's been suffering with some pretty crazy hormones which have resulted in some pretty crazy mood swings. Plus he had been extra needy since WWE put him on maternity leave. He wanted to travel with me and accompany me to ringside but I kept telling him no. I'm worried that he'll get hurt and something will happen to the baby and that is something I can't even bare to think about.

[Backstage at Raw]

"Seth. I'm not having this conversation with you again, you're not coming out to the ring with me and that's final" I said as Seth pouted, folding his arms over his chest

"Why not though?'' He argued ''I can defend myself and-"

"Conversation over Seth" I replied before leaving for my match

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[A few days later]

Seth and I had been relaxing in our hotel room when he suddenly got a craving for Ice cream and of course he wanted a special type of ice cream instead of the stuff from room service, so now after nearly and hour of searching for the right kind I finally made it back to our room.

"Damn remote. How can it just  disappear?"

I placed the bags down on the floor and shut the door behind myself

"Babe what are you doing?" He turned around to look at me, his eyes were all puffy and red " Hey what's wrong?" I asked, rushing over to him

"I can't find the remote control" he explained as his bottom lip trembled "It was here and now it's gone, how can it just disappear like that?"

I looked down at the couch and spotted it on the floor "It's right there" I said as I bent down to pick it up

"Oh'' Seth said as a smile suddenly appeared on this face ''Thank you"

He sat himself down on the couch and I put everything away, noticing Seth had a jar of chocolate spread in his lap. My eyes widening as he watched Seth dip a piece of celery into the jar, coating the top of the stalk in the thick brown paste before popping it into his mouth.

"Please tell me you didn't just eat that!" I said with disgust

Seth shrugged "It's what the baby wants"

That had been Seth's favourite comeback since he'd been pregnant. Eating Ice Cream for breakfast it's what the baby wants forcing me out of bed at 2am to buy him donuts it's what the baby wants

"Disgusting is what it is" I argued

"Whatever" Seth retorted "Did you get my ice cream?"

"Yes I got your Ice cream your highness" I replied sarcastically

Seth examined the tub of Ice Cream I got him scrunching up his nose in disgust "That sucks"

"What sucks?" I asked, reminding myself that he wouldn't always be this difficult

"This one hasn't got any chocolate syrup with it" Seth answered "I prefer it with syrup"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Three days later, SmackDown]

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as i stared down at Seth laying by the ring steps. Medics and trainers attended to him as I stood there feeling completely helpless. We had been arguing all morning about him coming down to the ring with me and despite my protests he'd accompanied me to the ring and now my worse fear had come true. Seth had been standing in the wrong place at the wrong time and had took the full impact of a lariat from Randy Orton.  A number of different emotions washed over me all at once. Anger, guilt, pain, sadness, helplessness, nausea...Roman's firm grip on me never seized and I think without it i probably would have fallen into a heap on the floor. I was shaking as Seth was wheeled backstage and taken to the medical room.

"Why won't they let me in there!" I yelled as I paced outside the medical room "I'm his damn husband!!" Roman was trying his best to calm me down but it was no use "I swear to god, the next time I see Orton he's a dead man''

''Bro calm down" Roman said as he grabbed hold of my shoulders "Seth needs you right now, more than ever and you're no good to him like this"

"That's easy for you to say" I replied forcing my way out of his strong grip "It isn't your husband and unborn child in there'' 

I regretted my words as soon as they left my mouth but before I could say anything else a medic came out of the room and made his way over to us

''We're going to take Seth to hospital. Everything looks fine right now but we just want to be 100% sure. You can go in and see him"

I thanked him and made my way into the room, rushing to Seth's side "Hey" I said kissing him "How you feeling?"

"Not bad considering" Seth answered "My head hurts but apart from that I'm ok" he grabbed hold of my hand

I looked down at him before looking at his petite bump "I'm sorry"

''It's not your fault. I was the one who insisted on going out there with you'' Seth said

''From now on you're going to stay backstage" I said "No arguments"

"No arguments" Seth agreed

"We were lucky this time" I pointed out "But we can't risk something like this happening again"

"You're right" he agreed "I can't just think about myself anymore. I just don't like being away from you...i never have but since I've been pregnant it's got worse"

"It's got worse for me too" I replied "but now I miss you and worry about you all at the same time"

Seth smiled "You still miss me despite being an emotional wreck?" Seth asked

I nodded "I got you pregnant so it's not like you can help it"

"I've been a massive brat though" Seth  reminded

"I know, but you've always been a brat" I pointed out "So it's nothing new

Seth glared at me and I smiled at him sweetly

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