Staying Busy

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The alarm clock rang out signaling the start of another day. Another day without Dean, another day trying to occupy myself as much as I could so that I wouldn't think about the situation I was in. Six and a half months pregnant with my husband working away from home with no family members to fall back on if I needed it. Dean was due back home in a few days and in the meantime I decided to start to decorate the nursery. Dean had specifically asked me not to start it without him but I had to do something with my free time, I was going mad in the house all day by myself and getting the nursery ready gave me something to do, it provided me with the perfect distraction and it was nearly finished, all that it needed now was a baby to make it complete.

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Now I understood how some of the guys backstage felt being away from their families. Being away from Seth and only seeing him a few days a month was like torture. He had my baby growing inside of him; our baby and I wasn't there with him. I needed to work, I needed to make sure we had enough money to provide for our child but right now all I wanted to do was quit and go home. I would spend most of my nights on Skype or texting him but it wasn't nearly enough.

"Bro sitting in here all by yourself, sulking is not going to change anything"

I was so deep in thought that i didn't even notice Roman come in

''I know it's hard being away from him right now but you've got stay strong"

"I know" I mumbled

"Besides In another few months you will both be on paternity leave" Roman pointed out

I looked up at him and smiled "Yeah you're right''

I looked up at him and smiled "Yeah you're right''

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I stood in the doorway of the nursery and admired my handy-work. I must say that I did a pretty good job and the grey and white color scheme turned out a lot better than I thought it would. I couldn't believe that in just a few short months we would meet the new addition to our family and I absentmindedly rubbed my hand over my stomach, letting out a sigh as I made my way to the bedroom to take a nap. I used to think that women exaggerated about how hard it was being pregnant but now that I was pregnant myself I could appreciate how hard it really was. I was used to beating people up for a living but this pregnancy was kicking my ass. The more the months passed the heavier the baby got and I'm pretty sure that I spend most of my days eating and sleeping. I was just about to get settled on the bed when I heard my phone start to ring.

"Hey D" I said as Dean's voice filled my ears "I miss you"

We always called each other at least once a day, we made sure of it.

"Me too babe me too" Dean replied "How are you doing, how's the baby?"

"Oh i almost forgot'' I replied excitedly ''A few weeks ago the baby kicked for the first time''


When he first felt it he panicked. The feeling was so foreign that for a moment he stood completely still, placing his hand over his bump as he focused on the new sensation he was experiencing. It felt like someone was poking him from the inside, like a dozen butterflies were fluttering inside his stomach, and then it suddenly dawned on him what it was. The baby was kicking.

''Oh'' Seth said as a smile spread across his face ''Hey there little one''

"Really?" Dean replied

''Yeah it felt so strange. Amazing but strange'' I explained

''I wish I could have been there with you'' Dean said sadly

''She'll do it again don't worry'' I assured

The baby had been kicking me regularly since that first kick so I had no doubt that Dean would get to experience it too, as soon as he got home.

''I guess'' Dean mumbled ''I just hate being away from you. It was hard enough when you weren't pregnant but now you are it's worse. I feel like I'm missing out on everything''

''I know you do and I hate being away from you too but it's safer this way'' I replied ''Plus. Time will go so fast Dean I promise you, before you know it you'll be home again and you can feel her kick for yourself''

''I can't wait'' He said with a sigh ''I love you so much. Both of you''

''We love you too'' I said

''I've got to go. Stay safe ok?''

''You too babe'' I said as i hung up

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Seth let out a sad sigh as he placed the phone back down on the bedside table. He positioned one of his hands over his stomach where he felt his baby kick just a few minutes ago.

''Are you going to be good for Papa and give Daddy a really strong kick when he get's home?'' he asked in a gentle tone as he looked down at his now large stomach

''Ow!!'' Seth whimpered as he stood up and made his way to the bathroom, he felt the baby kick him right in the ribs and it was hard ''I'll take that as a yes'' 

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