Chapter 13

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The wind whipped down the narrow streets as the rain came down in sheets. The gray sided houses huddled close together in the valley, with rocky hill tops all around. Pale clouds blanketed the sky, the sun hidden away. The thick black smoke from the foundry fires were quickly dissipated in the heavy winds. The paths to the hills were crowded with hunched over figures, covered the grime of soot clung to their faces even in the driving rain. Grouped in gangs they passed each other on their way to and from the mines, the work continued around the clock to meet the ever increasing demand for iron ore and the products of war.

He slid down the street, and ducked from under awning to rooftop overhang. A heavy coat stretched tightly across his broad shoulders, a brown parcel tucked firmly under his arm. As he reached the next intersection he braced himself against the rough wooden slats of the general store. Slowly, cautiously, he peered around the corner. The main road through town lined with small shops was quiet, just a few hurried bodies bent from the rain passed quickly to their destinations. On the far end of the street the provincial capital building loomed high. Its thick brick structure lent to its imposing presence on the main square. Satisfied with what he saw, he kept moving, eyes scanned the street, and was momentarily caught by the rows of pastries as he passed the bakery.

Crack! The glass door sprang open right as the man was passing. It caught him squarely over the eye and sent him reeling, and before he could recover a man was tossed though the glass and collided roughly with the rain soaked man, then crumpled into a heap of glass and shouts. The owner of the bakery followed quickly, wildly swinging his broom at the man who had tumbled though the glass. The first man recovered quickly and pulled himself up; grabbing his package he took off running for the capital. He hadn't wanted to attract any attention but now blood filled his mouth from where the door had cut his lip and tiny shards of glass in his brow sent blood spilling into his vision.

He crossed the cobblestone town square and ran up the steps of the city police barracks. His breath came in ragged gasps as he burst through the door.

"I have a package for his Lord Gennaro" he called out

The policeman behind the desk started to get up, but just then a tall slender man with a pencil thin mustache walked calmly into the room and motioned for the other to remain seated.

"Would you care to join me in my office?" His voice was as sweet as a fresh apple pie, and a kindly smile warmed the room.

"Of course Sir." The man with a package said as he breathed a sigh of relief, blood still dripping down his forehead, and his eye beginning to swell shut.

They walked briskly down the hall

"actually my office is in a bit of a disarray, let's use this room over here." The corner of his mouth twitched ever so slightly as he gestured for the other man to enter another room at the end of the hall.

The door clicked shut. Only a wooden chair and small desk adorned the bare room.

"have a seat, you must be tired from your journey." The words came out softly.

The rain soaked man collapsed in the chair and set the package on the desk.

"I have the package Lord Gennaro"

"I see."

He left a pause

"You had trouble on the road?"

"Yes my Lord, I was jumped by a gang of men just outside the town square."

"Did they pursue you?"

"No sir, I think I outran them."

"Did they see which building you entered?"

"I don't know" The adrenaline of the moment before was starting to wear off and the man was suddenly feeling very uncomfortable with his surroundings

"The package doesn't appear too damaged, let's have a look." He cut the twine with a small knife and slowly pulled back the paper. The small cardboard box inside had a large imprint of a cake on it. Without opening it Lord Gennaro walked around the table and brushed the blood crusted hair away from the man's swollen eye.

"We should get you some medical attention." Calling out the door "Dryden can you join us in here."

"Just one last question, did you see the faces of the men who did this to you?"

"No my Lord" His voice starting to shake.

With his hand he gently pushed the box off the table. Pastries spilled out onto the floor.

"What a waste of perfectly good sweets don't you think?" as he asked his hand the still held the knife darted up.

Lord Gennaro turned to face Dryden as he entered the room.

"Clean this mess up quietly. You know the distaste I have for people that cause a scene, and even more so for those who failure me."

"Yes my Lord." Stone faced Dryden answered.

"I will have to have a meeting with the Governor. Gather the rest of the force and find my package."


Sal sat wordlessly in his root cellar, surrounded by darkness.

What did I do

What did I do

Ok calm down Sal buddy

Oh they are definitely going to kill me

They are going to find me and kill me

It happened so fast though, how was I supposed to know that was one of Lord Gennaro's minions

I've got to hid this thing

No I need to get rid of this thing

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