"Affirmative." I answer once she's finished. I didn't like to disturb her knowing she might loose count and have to start again.

"Oh okay. Have fun. Be careful. Love you." Smiling she goes back to the other pans waiting for her.

"Love you too." I smile.

"The sky is pretty this morning." I say once we're outside. It was a hue of purples and pinks with the sun slightly seeping though.

"Your favourite colour?" Zeke asks looking down at me

"At the moment." I snort remembering what I said last night. Something that sounded so silly but made so much sense to me.

"You're fiddling." Zeke mentions.

"I'm nervous." I say looking down as we walked. I kept twisting the ring on my thumb. Over and over. Over and over.

"It'll be fine. I won't let anyone get near you." He reassures me.

"This is stupid. I should go home." I say turning back around ready to head home.

"Wait no!" Zeke says with an outstretched hand. He pulls back in and steps away as he noticed my shallow breathing.

"I could have an anxiety attack or something, what if people start staring or..." I mumble.

"Or something?" He taunts.

Squinting my eyes I kick my leg out at him. "Get away from me. Where are we going? I'm already exhausted?"

"Not far." Zeke answers causing me to raise a brow in question. "I promise." he laughs once noticing my expression.

"is this it?" I say once we reach an old abandoned building.

"Don't be so judgey, you haven't even seen the inside." He says acting offended.

"Who is that?" I ask at my first sight of the inside.

"What?" He asks confused.

"Who's the babe Zeke?" The mysterious guys says. I groan. Babe? Seriously.

"Nick?" Zeke then turns to the voice.

"Nice to meet you" Nick walks towards me with and outstretched hand. I breath in and step back.

"Don't touch her." Zeke rushes in front of me pushing back Nicks outstretched hand. "She has haphephobia." He explains awkwardly, then looks back at me.

"Uh what?" Nick asks.

"Fear of touch." I clarify standing on my toes to look over Zeke's shoulder.

"Oh." Nick simply says, his eyes drawing over both Zeke and I till they go out of focus as if hes thinking hard. "What are you doing here?" Nick finally says directing the question at Zeke but smiling at me.

"What are you doing here?" Zeke counters back.

"Hanging out." Nick shrugs still smiling at me.

"It's like seven am?" Zeke says looking at his phone.

"Time doesn't exist. Now what are you doing here?" Nick laughs.

"Showing me around." I add in to the conversation.

"The girl with Haphephobia." Nick says as if he's just noticed me again.

"Eloise." I introduce myself.

"Eloise." he says raising his eyebrows with a coy smile directed at Zeke.

"No." Zeke says.

"I'm his new neighbour. I'd shake your hand but I'd probably freak out." I smile.

"She's the reason I couldn't come over last night." Zeke tells Nick.

"Pretty good reason if you ask me." Nick winks.

"Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere." I say as my brows not together.

"Worth a shot." He shrugs.

"So is this your little hideout." I ask Zeke as I look around. From the inside the building looked bigger and more well kept.

"It's not a hideout." Zeke says becoming defensive.

"We do come here to hide from the world." Nick admits.

"Shut up." Zeke snaps back.

"Whose the chick. I thought the deal was no girls." A boy appears from the side that Nick just came from. He's shorter than Nick but definitely related to him, most likely a younger brother.

"You brought the dork?" Zeke asks ignoring the boy.

"I had no choice, he followed me." Nick shrugs like it no big deal.

"Fly is aloud here and she's a girl." Zeke now answers the boy.

"Hardly." The boy snorts.

"I'll tell her you said that." Nick says.

"Please don't." He says once his eyes go wide with horror, I'd guess he was scared of this Fly girl.

"So why did you bring the girl here." Nick then pips up looking at me curiously.

"Why are you talking about me like I'm not here." I pipe up only to still be ignored.

"Don't touch her." Zeke snaps at the younger looking boy who puts his arms up in surrender. I hadn't noticed he had gotten closer. It was almost as if the two boys had never seen a girl in there life, I felt like they were inspecting me.

"I think I should leave." I say walking past Zeke and the two other boys.

she was untouchable.Where stories live. Discover now