10: The Lich King

Start from the beginning

I looked at the knights. "If you don't want me to eat your souls, I suggest you leave now."

Soren got tired of being left out, so he ripped the roof off, and lunged his massive jaws into the room, snapping up five or so in one click of his jaws. They dissolved, and he absorbed their souls, chuckling.

There was a heavy silence, and then he belched. The rest charged, shocked into action, throwing spells and Runes and Glyphs like leaves that scattered against Soren and I, as we laid into them, slaughtering them like so many rats.

I retrieved my claymore from the stones, and grinned, while sheathing it on my back. "Well that was a good exercise." I laughed.

I hummed and looked down at my Runed Armor, and huffed in annoyance. The Runes had been worn down, and the armor had lost its radiance, slowly becoming normal metal, not able to stop a magical attack.

I hopped onto Soren, and nodded. "I think they got the message... and it's not like it's hard to find them, with these gaudy buildings... hmph. And they call us greedy heathens."

"Heh..." Soren was enjoying the carnage, if nothing else.

"Home, friend." I nodded and sat down, throwing a hand to create a portal.

He grumbled but started flying through it, after one last snort of fire at the church.


I sat down in my chair, sighing with contentment. "There. All good..."

"Professor? Uhm... your class began a few minutes ago... would you like to cancel?" My aide asked suddenly.

I growled, then calmed myself. "Sigh... no. I'll be right there." I stood and walked past him, into the hallway and then my classroom, through my portal door. (I'd gotten tired of walking across the giant castle).

I sat at my desk. "Hello, students... today... I'm late. I believe you deserve an explanation, as I'm never late. I despise being late, it's like I'm breaking my word, as I swore to be here, and I wasn't. You have my apologies."

"Totally forgiven, professor." One guy grinned, and I smirked.

"Yes... well. The explanation. Today, I was at Church. More specifically, I was murdering the Cardinal, and his top knights, after they attempted to murder my daughters. They succeeded in killing my eldest. My youngest is a student here, now, and as safe as I can make her." I said, deadpan, and drew my claymore, laying it across my desk, and pulled out a rag, slowly cleaning it.

I looked up at the equally scared, horrified, and offended faces, and smiled. "Yes. Now. That is why I was late, and why I'm wearing Armor. Speaking of." I removed my armor, and placed it on an armor stand, stabbing my clean claymore into the stone beside it.

I sat back down, sighing in relief. "Again, now... today's class is going to be about highly advanced personal Runes, something most Lich never master... I doubt any of you will succeed today, or even this term. It took me a number of months to create my own, 25 years or so ago..."

I stood and drew my Personal Rune on the chalkboard, my 'Portal'. "Very few people can copy My Personal Rune... simply because it drains so much Soul energy. But backing up a step. Can anyone tell me what a personal Rune is? It's meaning and usage?"

One of my brighter students, a small black boy, grinned and raised his hand.

"I swear on Zeus's balls, Marcus. Raise your hand to answer one of my questions again, and I'll cut it off. I'm not a nurse or nanny. Simply stand and speak." I warned him.

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