I can't believe she is calling me a slut when she has dated ever damn guy in the school.

"If I catch your slutty ass around Lucas again, we will crush every bone in your fat body. Are we clear?" she threatens

I don't say anything

"I said are we clear bitch!?" she yells at the hitting me on my forehead.

The weird thing is, is that I didn't feel it. Why? Maybe because I'm so used to it that it's not painful anymore. When she put her hand down I saw my blood on her rings.

"Y-yes" I said.

"Good" she says walking away.

I wonder where Riley is. She is always with them. I look in my little mirror that's in my locker and see a big bruise on my forehead. God, this is gonna take so much makeup to cover up.

I then hear someone yell for me from behind.

I know that voice, that voice was the reason I got this bruise on my forehead in the first place.

I ignore him, taking out my history books and slamming my locker door.

"Talk to me" he says loudly, causing me to jump.

Why won't this boy leave me the hell alone.

"God dammit Lucas, just leave me alone!" I scream, storming off.

Why can he listen? I don't want him talking to me.

I walked into history class.

"Maya what happend?" Corey asks

"Nothing sir. I just hit my head on the bathroom door."

"Maya that looks like someone punched you and they were wearing a ring" Farkle said.

Farkle and I used to be friends in till high school came along and they all left me.

"This is none of your business. You people need to leave me alone" I said sitting down.

"We just want to help" Riley said.

Oh hell no. She did not just say that.

"I don't need anyone's help, especially not your's!" I scream, putting my head down.

"Mr. Friar, why are you late again?" Corey asks again.

"None of your business" Lucas snaps.

"As a teacher it is my business so, if you are late one more time, I'm will be giving you detention" Corey said.

"Be my guest" Lucas said, walking to his seat.

"Tell me who did that do you" he demanded.

Just play it cool Maya. Ignore him.

"Well? Are you gonna tell me or so I have to get it from someone else?" he asks.

I keep quiet.

"Talk to me" he demanded again, shaking my arm.

I look up this time, snatching my arm away from him.

"Leave me alone Lucas. I'm begging you. Just don't look at me and don't talk to me, please" I begged.

He looked at me confused.

"Mr. Friar, why are you having your own conversation?" Corey asked.

"Look, I'm am asking her a question" he said.

"If the question doesn't involve what we are doing I suggest that you don't ask it" Corey said.

"Dude, someone hit her and I am asking her who did it and you won't shut up!" Lucas snapped.

"Mr. Friar, don't talk to me like that" Corey said.

"Can I please just talk to her I need to know?" he said.

Corey sighed and then said 'fine'.

"Stop acting like you care" I said looking down at my hands on my book.

"I do care, and I want to know who hit a beautiful girl like you" he said.

"She is not beautiful. She is ugly and fat" Avery yelled out

"Yeah she is a complete slut" Missy added and every one laughed.

"Why? Are you extremely jealous that she is better than you in every possible way" Lucas said and everyone started laughing again.

What is he doing?

"Stop it!" I scream and stand up.

Everyone looks at me.

"I am not beautiful. They are right, but I am not a slut, Missy" I said then just walked out.

I can't live this life anymore. I left school walking I the cold wind. I need to go. I can't do this anymore living with the scars and bruises. I feel like there is nothing in this world that can make me want to stay.

I stop for a minute. Needing to do something before I continue. I take out my razor blade and cut through my skin.

I write the word BEAUTIFUL on my arm. I saw the blood dripping down my arm, but I didn't care. All I ever wanted was to be beautiful and live a life that every other teenager has. I wanted a normal, and loving family and friends that I can count on, but instead I got a worthless life.

I shoved the blade back into my bag and took a deep breath.

I know I'm stronger than this. I'm gonna keep fighting till the end.

I walk home and I can hear my mom screaming through the front door. I'm already tired of the screaming and hitting, so I go through my window. When I got in I put my bag down and layed down on my bed.

I put my headphone and listened to my music. Later I ended up falling asleep.

The Bad Boy Saved Me | Lucaya [ On Hold ]Where stories live. Discover now