Chapter 47

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"Emma this is your last chance on this, Make at least one friend on the team by the end of the lunch, or I will simply designate you as the team's common slave, you will serve every one, they will laugh at you, make fun of you and torment you for rest of the season." This is a joke right ? His face remains very livid, yeah the kind of livid that makes your pee want to trickle in your pants.
Oh why can't he just stop pushing me ?

Jerk !

"No you can't do that to me. You promised me you would not hurt me Ian. I will tell Maggie, Daddy, Katie your Grandpa and my Grandfather, you can't do that." I tried saving myself from the challenge.

The girls are well......... I am just antisocial ?

"And they will save you?, Protect you from me?. Dad signed his consent for training, Maggie handed over your legal custody, Kate won't give into your weaknesses, your grandfather is the one who told me to get your reins in my 'tight' grip and well my Grandfather will see my reason." He smiled at me.

No one loves me.
There is no way around this, I am sooooo doomed.

"I don't even know how to make friends Ian !." I said as I applied second layer of lip gloss for lunch and ruined it while speaking through the process.

He burst into laughter at my face expression.

"Aren't you an adult now Emma? Figure it out yourself."
He said kissing my shoulder. And rubbing the extra gloss off my chin and nose.

"You won't hurt me Ian." I said with conviction.
"I don't want to hurt you but,I will if I have to.
Do not make me hurt you Emma, please."

I know when it is determination, I hear it in his voice.

I was on a mission to make at least one friend or I am soo dead. He will even feed my ashes to the crows.

I talked to all the girls and then engaged a conversation with Bailey.
I asked her about how much am I missing on team practice . She said the temporary coach is cool , she's laid back and they are practicing whatever skills Ian taught us last week and I am not missing so much.

I told her how my practice with Ian has been very brutal as 'I am the weakest on the team so I have to work extra hard and so I need to practice extra hard too' .
of course I said that in Coach Almighty's voice . She laughed with me.


We slowly moved to more neutral topics like movies, songs, hobbies and bands.

"Looks like you made a Friend Emma." Ian interrupted us out of the blue with a knowing look in his face.

"I thought we were always friends coach. Emma is sweet she helps everyone on field. What's new, Am I missing something ?" Bailey asked.

"Oh no, that's just great, I never saw you people talking before."

"She's shy coach, but it is okay, we like her."

Ian gave me a toothy grin and left us alone.

I sighed in relief.

After a while when everyone was busy gossiping and eating. Ian clinked the spoon with the glass and collected our attention.

"Alright Grandmas, I need your full attention here.
we are resuming our practice sessions tomorrow afternoon, I want all of you well hydrated and well slept, do not tell me I didn't warn you. I am back in the game ,so come prepared."

"Everyone groaned collectively, including me."

"You people sound so excited. Watch what you eat today, I don't want you all dragging your fat backsides with extra effort in the morning."

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