"How about we make a deal?" I proposed.

"I'm listening."

"We fight four of your 'supposedly scary' warrior people, and you let us go." I said.

"I like it. Evil against no powers. It seems fair." I totally forgot we didn't have our powers.

"Wait. We need weapons." I added.

"As you wish." As if on cue, a door I didn't notice slid open in one wall. There was things like water guns, mini vacuums, a blowtorch, and reflective shields. There was also a pair of shoes that stick to walls.

"What are these for? Playtime?" Bree gestured towards the items.

"Use them wisely." Then the T.V turned off, and another door on the opposite wall slid open.

"Quickly grab one of the items." Chase said. Everyone grabbed an item/ Chase and Leo got the mini vacuums, Bree got a shield, Oliver and Kaz got the water guns, so that left me with the shoes. I groaned at quickly put them on.

There was a dark cloud of smoke that floated into the room. It was kind of like a shape shifter. It floated into the middle of the room and stayed still.

"What's it doi—" Leo was cut of by being electrocuted by the cloud.

"Leo!" We all yelled. Leo got up and shook his head.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just a little shocked." He laughed at his joke, then fell down.

"What do we do now?" Oliver asked.

"Try shooting it." Adam suggested. Oliver and Kaz  started shooting the cloud with the water guns, but the cloud got bigger.

"Stop! Your making it stronger." They stopped, and the cloud shot another bolt of electricity at Bree. She quickly shielded herself, but the bolt bounced off the shield, off a wall, and headed for me. I tried to run, but the stupid boots kept me stuck to the floor. I got launched to the ground, and hit my head on the floor.

"Try using the vacuum." I said before I blacked out.

Chase's POV

She was right. I ran over to Leo and grabbed his vacuum. I turned them both on, and aimed at the cloud. It slowly started getting sucked in, and before got fully sucked in, it released one more small bolt.

"I'm awake!" Leo sat up, but was instantly put out again when the small bolt hit him. Bree and I rushed over to Skylar, while Adam, Kaz, and Oliver helped Leo.

"Skylar, are you okay?" I shook her shoulders.

"What? Five more minutes." She groaned.

"We can't wait. The next enemy cane come in here any second, and we need your help to destroy it before it kills us!" I exclaimed.

"Okay. Then 2 more minutes." Skylar yawned. I picked up a vacuum and aimed it at her. I pressed the ON button, and it zapped her.

"Ow! Okay I'm awake." Bree helped her up, and it looked like Leo was okay too. The door reopened, and a large person made of stone walked through. He had a stone staff, and he did not look happy.

"Wait— you're Gray Granite's brother Enderbite." Oliver pointed out.

"Wait. Isn't Gray Granite a superhero?" Adam asked.

"Yeah. Enderbite is a villain." Kaz added. All of a sudden Enderbite waved his staff and a bunch a blast of wind gusted from his direction knocking us to our feet. Except Skylar. Her boots helped her stick to the ground.

"Which weapon is supposed to help is?" Bree asked.

"Try using the water guns. If I calculated correctly, there is just enough water in both waterguns to weaken Endermite enough to defeat him." I said. Kaz and Oliver started shooting Enderbite. He slammed his staff to the ground, and the entire room started shaking. Oliver and Kaz lost balance, and everyone fell.

"Hurry up!" Adam yelled. Kaz and Oliver continues squirting. Endermite turned to face them, and when Oliver and Kaz were out of water, I grabbed a vacuum and swung it at Enderbite, causing him to erupt in a pile of rocks.

The door opened again. A normal looking guy with sunglasses on walked in.

"He doesn't seem dangerous." Oliver said. All of a sudden the guy took of his glasses and aimed at the empty shelf where the weapons used to be. Lasers came out of his eyes and the shelf disintegrated.

"Hey! It's James Marsden!" Kaz laughed. (A/N if u don't know who James Marsden is look it up)

Skylar's POV

"Everybody try to dodge the lasers!" I said. That caught the guy's attention, and he turned to me. He took off his glasses, and before the laser hit me, Bree ran next to me and used the she reflected the laser using her shield. It bounced off and it hit the guy. He then disintegrated into a pile of ashes.

"You did it, Bree!" I smiled. The door opened, revealing the last person.




I had to do A LOT of research for this chapter...


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