The Champions are Chosen

Start from the beginning

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When Madam Pomfrey had come and collected Shona from her new bed made out of books Lucy and Snape had followed her down to the hospital wing. Snape had cautiously taken the orb with him just in case anything else happened.

"Is she going to be alright?!" Lucy kept asking Madam Pomfrey and followed her to where Shona was groaning

"She'll be fine, Miss Snape, she'll be out of here in an hour. I've just got to mend her arm. She's not like you having six injury's at once"

"Are you sure she'll be alright?" Lucy said ignoring Madam Pomfrey's sarcastic comment

"Sit, Lucy" Snape demanded pushing down on her shoulder so she fell into the seat that was next to Shona's bed

"She'll be out of here in an hour" Madam Pomfrey sighed rushing over to her cupboard this time and pulling out several things, "but what exactly happened to her?"

"Er - " Snape began looking around the room for inspiration but Lucy already had the story covered

"She thought it was a good idea to chase dad around but then as she was about to hex him with her wand it backfired and she slammed against the wall causing her to land in that new pile of books"

"Is that wand safe?"

"Surely safe i've just checked it out" Lucy lied holding up Shona's wand

"Well alright then you two just wait over there"

Snape and Lucy walked over to outside of Madam Pomfrey's office; Snape pulled out the prophet and Lucy pulled out her book. The two read in silence. That was until Lucy, clumsily, gave herself a paper cut.

"Shoot" she muttered hoping that Snape didn't hear

"What have you done this time?" He asked not looking up from his paper

"Paper cut" Lucy whispered nervously

"Clumsy aren't you?" He snickered reaching for her hand then pulling out his wand and muttering a spell to heal the cut

"Very" she agreed laughing slightly, "will you let me go down to the great hall tomorrow evening? I really don't want to miss who the champions are"

"Stay with your...Friends though"

"I will, I always do. And Shona is known to take down vampires in animal form I don't think that a man is going to scare her"

"Yes, well, I suppose" Snape said as though he was forced to say it, "and there she is"

Lucy turned around and saw a very happy wolf trotting towards them, Lucy knelt down and ran her fingers through Shona's fur.

"You alright?" Lucy asked and Shona looked at Lucy as though focusing on her mind

'Never better' she replied, 'now I think I should go chase Snivels, what about you?'

"Could do it for amusement" Lucy said out loud ignoring her fathers confused looks. Lucy stood up and moved out the way so Shona took one look at Snape then chased him all the way down the corridor and back to the dungeons.

"MCGUIRE! STOP THIS INSTANT!" Snape yelled, his screams could be heard all over the castle

"Is she always like that?" Madam Pomfrey asked

"Ever since I've known her" Lucy giggled

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When Lucy left Transfiguration, the next day, she was surprised to find Fred waiting outside with his twin George. Shona stepped out after Lucy and rolled her eyes sarcastically at the twins.

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now