Shiro's Drill

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The boys reported to the training room the next morning, sure that Shiro was going to kill them. He suprised them instead.

"Allura assured me that whatever was wrong with you idiots is better today. If you fail this drill- you're off the team."

The boys nodded. So he wasn't mad? hmm. Shiro definaitely didn't know about the events of the night before, but the boys decided to do their best in the drill and work together. They realized that they couldn't protect eachother at all times, but their trust grew between them and they readied themselves for the drill, standing back to back, weapons drawn.

Holograms fought them- 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 300. The numbers increased but the boys stayed solid, feeling eachother's wavelengths and working together. Shiro stopped the drill.

"Well I don't know what changed, but that was fine. You passed."

Lance beamed. "Fine? That was perfect!"

Keith laughed. "Yeah Shiro, we're more than fine. We're a team."

Shiro's face remained unmoved. "Yes well, that was better than anything before. You're off the hook for now."

Shiro walked out of the drill room.

Quickly, Keith kissed Lance's cheek.

"Get a room." Allura smirked from the doorway.

Lance smiled devishly, "Sorry Allura, I can't hear you!" he yelled, turning and pulling Keith into his embrace, kissing him deeply, Keith's arms around his neck. Keith broke the kiss and looked at Lance.

"Hey Lance,"


Keith borrowed Lance's words. "Your helmet looks stupid."

Lance laughed. "You're stupid." The enemies held eachother.

"Maybe but you're my idiot. Always." Keith promised


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