Chapter Twenty-Three - Vacation

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Thank you so much for continued support for reading, voting, and commenting on this story. I appreciate it so much to also anyone that has PMed me. I love hearing that from you. Thank you guys. Enjoy.

Thanks again to Depecher for her help and also in choosing the photos for this chapter. Thanks again girl.

Tris' POV


"How are you feeling Tris?"  Amar asks from behind his desk. 

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and sigh.  Everyone has asked me that question multiple times a day the last four days, and it's starting to grate on my nerves.  I realize I just got out this morning, but I'm not as fragile as everyone thinks I am.  "Amar, I'm fine.  Really.  I'm mostly angry that my record has been ruined."  I look over at the stack of files on his desk wondering if they pertain to the investigation.  "Have you figured out what happened?" 

He sighs, looking down at his hands.  "We have spoken with all that were present, but from what we have gathered so far, it appears to have been a misfire." 

I lean back in my chair letting out a deep sigh.  I'm not satisfied with his official answer, but I know that we both believe deep down that something isn't right.  It seemed too perfect as far as the timing was concerned for it to truly be a misfire.  But so far there is no way to prove it.  Eric was standing next to Amar the entire time and no one saw anything out of the ordinary. 

I sigh, leaning back in my chair.  "So what is going to happen now?  I can try and fly one of your other planes that you have on hand, but I'm afraid none of them are really suitable for night flights."  Trying to stay positive about the situation but finding it very difficult at the moment.

Amar finally looks up, giving me a genuine smile.  "Well, I have arranged for another plane to be delivered and it should be here on Friday.  The pilot they are sending said she knew you."  He looks down at a folder, flicking it open.  "Her name is Lauren Rothchild." 

I smile hearing the news.  Lauren had really wanted this mission, but unfortunately had already been assigned to a base in Ohio when it came up.  Though I highly doubt she would have done well with the night flights given how few she's logged. 

She said there was a guy at Lejeune she had her eye on.  He was here when she made a delivery last year and she had been smitten with him since.  She didn't get his name, just a vague description of the guy.  If we can find him, maybe we could introduce them.  "I know Lauren.  It'll be nice to see her.  But what would you like me to do till she gets here?  I could probably do some paratrooping with the Waco in the meantime.  You said you wanted to do some paratrooping over the water last week." 

"Well, considering that Will sent over a note saying you weren't allowed to pilot for the next three days, I doubt that is going to do us much good."  Looking down at his clipboard, but then looking back up at me with a small smile.  "So since we won't be able to use your talents for the next few days, I have granted you special leave to give you time to heal." 

I practically come out of my chair, hoping he adds to his statement.

He stands from his chair, coming around to look at me, talking in a hushed voice.  "And given that your safety was compromised again, even if it does appear to be an accident, I am assigning Master Sergeant Four to accompany you." 

I grin, jumping up to give Amar a hug.  I ignore the burn in my ribs, and squeeze him as tightly as I can without the pain being excruciating.  I know it's not something you're supposed to do, but I honestly don't care.  He needs to know that I am eternally grateful for this chance to get away with Tobias again. 

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