Chapter Sixteen - Back to Business

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Thank you to everyone who is reading, voting, following, and commenting.  I love knowing that you guys are enjoying this story.  Enjoy!

Thanks again to my wonderful Beta Reader Depecher !  You helped keep a scene in that I wasn't sure about.  I hope everyone likes it.  You have her to thank for keeping my negative thoughts from getting in the way. 

Tobias' POV

The alarm sounds way too early, punctuating the small bubble of happiness I found this week. I know I need to tell Tris why we will be training so much, but I don't want her to worry. When I signed up several weeks ago, it was for the sole purpose that I hardly had anything to live for. But now that she's back, I fear that I jumped too quickly for the chance to die.

I shower, dressing at top speed so I can spend just a few precious moments with Tris before I have to turn back into Four; the heartless, cruel drill instructor. It's the identity I took on when I first came here, trying to shed that side that was terrified of my father, but at the end of the day, I feel as if the Four persona chips away at who I really am.

There is a part of me that still isn't sure that I haven't been dreaming this entire time. That I'll wake to find myself on my bunk, still believing that Tris is still dead. Still believing that there was hardly anything left in this world to live for.

I come out of the bathroom to find Tris wearing dark blue pants, a white button up shirt, attempting to fix her tie in the mirror. She turns to me, clearly frustrated at the material in her hands. "These things are silly, Tobias. I swear when this war is over, I will never make you wear one of these stupid things again." She grits out.

I come over to her, trying to fix the tie, but have trouble myself being in front of her, so I have to stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her slowly. "I don't know. If I remember, you thought I looked quite dashing in the one suit I showed you." Knotting the tie quickly, and taking my time to straighten it in the mirror.

She leans back slightly, sighing. "Ok. You did look really handsome in that suit. So how about we compromise and go with only special occasions."

I chuckle, straightening the last of the material, but wrap my arms around her tightly. I run my nose close to her ear, keeping my voice low, "Do you think we would make it very far if we ran now?"

She turns in my arms, looking up to me, "Amar wouldn't let us get to the boarder of this state and you know it."

I chuckle, "We could live in the woods. Come on Tris. It would be like an adventure, just like you talked about. I'm pretty sure I could get a tent and several week's worth of supplies before anyone would notice our disappearance."

She smiles, "Yeah, but I was referring to adventures where you don't get sent to jail if they find you."

I smirk at the thought of arrests, "You know, I could have you arrested for lying to the government about your age and falsifying documents. Then what would you do?" Taunting her slightly.

Her smile fades, her eyes fall to my chest as she begins drawing patterns with her finger on my arm. "Well, I guess that would mean you get to play cards by yourself. But from what you said on Saturday, you really liked to play with a partner." She looks back up, winking.

My pants have grown extremely uncomfortable suddenly as images of Saturday evening dance around in my head. I pull her tighter to me, my voice stern. "You are not nice."

She laughs lightly, "You know you love it."

I run my nose over hers, bringing my lips close to hers. "I am very much in love with you. Teasing and all."

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