I then quickly looked up at him as he turned around to smile at me. I hope he didn't notice me eyeing that thing. "Gotta go deal with some business. Won't be back till late. You have company here." He said before I nodded my head and allowed him to lean down and kiss my lips.

"Bye." I faked a smile as he left the bed and put on his shoes. "Bye, don't do anything stupid." He said as I smiled huge inside. "I won't." He then left the room, making my heart beat super fast. As soon as I got up and made my way to grab the phone, Jackson entered the room and he quickly walked towards the desk before snatching his phone.

"Almost forgot this. Wouldn't want you to call anyone would we?" He smiled as I frowned and sat on the bed. "I told you not to do anything stupid babe." He grinned before cupping my chin and kissing me harder. I almost gagged at his action before he let go. "I'll be leaving some of the men to check up on you." Jackson said as he walked away.

"Why so they can rape me?" I scoffed as I laid back down madly. "If they did I'll kill them. And they know that." He said before disappearing. I huffed frustratingly as I looked at the ceiling. What now?

I crawled out of bed, rubbing my eyes while thinking of a plan. Maybe I can annoy someone today, do something fun in this lame house. No, I need to concentrate. I need to get the hell out of here. I then left the room, walking down the halls and giving dirty looks to the men who passed by. I didn't trust any of these people. They're all disgusting humans. Working for that devil Darson.

As I marched my way down the halls in my pj shorts and a tight black sweater, I found myself entering the kitchen. Maybe I can find some knives? But do what with it? Man I really need to think of a plan.

I tapped my nails frustratingly against the marbled counter as I thought hard. Nothing is coming to mind damnit. I need help. Why isn't there anyone here to talk to? I'm all on my own. It's just me and my own thoughts. It's really just me against the world. I have to depend on myself. I'm the only one who can get myself out of here. I have to memorize this house by the back of my hand.

I need to stop hiding myself in rooms and start scoping this place out, find someplace to escape. I need to really know this place by heart. Maybe then, I can escape.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist, causing me to tense as an alcoholic breath fanned my hair. My body flinched as a reaction to the sudden touch and I decided to abandon my thoughts since I was afraid I'd say them out loud on accident.

"Jackson I thought you had to work." I said as I wrapped my small hands around his large ones and tried to pry them off. "Work shouldn't stop a person from touching your small sweet body." My eyes widen from the voice behind me, causing chills to run down my spine. Wait, that's not Jackson. This voice is more deeper and more intimidating.

Darson. I quickly tried to turn around to see if it was really him but he didn't let me. "Oh no darling, don't need to turn around, you know it's me." He smiled as I felt disgusted. Why is Jackson's dad touching me like this?

"Please let go of me." I whispered as I placed my hands on the counter and looked down. I was terrified. "Why's that my darling?" He asked, slowly grazing his hand over my stomach. I closed my eyes and cringed before whimpering. "Please, I get enough of this from your son, just stop." I begged as I held back the waiting tears in my eyes.

"Oh but my love, we own you now. You're ours. I can do whatever I want with you cant I?  You're in my house." He cooed as his face got closer to my ear. "No. I'm not yours, I'm just Jackson's." I said, hoping that would stop him from touching me. It took everything inside me to say that. Because I don't belong to anyone.

"Is that so? The girl finally admits her place ey?" He said, still running one hand down my body. "Enough." I said, jerking away and pushing his dirty hand off me. "I would question myself before doing something stupid my precious." He said softly in my ear as I cringed. "You're gross, what are you doing?" I spat as he pulled me closer towards him.

"Let me go!" I demanded as his hands kept traveling around my body. "There's nothing wrong with getting something from a young beautiful girl is there?" He smiled as he turned me around, causing my eyes to widen. I parted my lips a bit as I looked at him with disgust and horror. "What are you talking about? You need to let me go, Jackson will be furious." I said as I tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge.

"Oh honey he won't know. He's my son. Many things are hidden from him." He chuckled before I gasped. "Now stand still." He suddenly lowered his voice before grabbing my shorts. I screeched before I looked down at his hands to see him trying to pull my bottoms down. "No! Stop it!" I cried out before I struggled in his grip.

I then kneed him where it hurts before I quickly punched him in the face and ran for it. I felt violated and disturbed as I ran down the hallway and out of the kitchen area. I had to get the heck away from that freak. This place is disgusting. I'm the only girl here and I should of thought twice before leaving the bedroom. Any guy here will take advantage of me and I should of known Darson would too. These people are gross.

Why didn't I think that Darson wanted something from me too? He's just as disgusting and insane as his son is. I then heard someone yell behind me and I whimpered before trying to find a room to lock myself in. I turned around to see if he's around and my heart stopped the moment I saw him running after me.

I screamed before taking a right and running towards a open door. "Get her!" Darson yelled from behind to a guard who was on his phone. He suddenly looked up at me and he put his device away before running towards me. My eyes widen, knowing this won't end well. "No!" I screamed before he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up like I was a bag of air.

"No! Let me go!" I fought back as he held me tightly in his arms. I began crying and screaming as Darson stopped running and he walked slowly towards me. "No!" I kept yelling as I flared my arms and legs around, attempting to weigh myself down. "Let me go! Please let me go! He's a monster!" I cried as Darson smirked evilly.

"Thank you Dayton. I'll take her from here." He said as I kept panicking and screaming. He nodded his head before handing me over to Darson who gladly wrapped his arms tightly around me. I whimpered and cried in his arms as he walked me back towards where we were first at.

"Please, reconsider this, Jackson will be mad. He will kill you even." I said with a shaky voice as I was carried down the hall. I felt like I was convincing myself more than him. "I'm not going to rape you darling. That's his job. All I want is to just take care of you for a couple minutes." He said in a creepy soothing voice.

I whimpered before struggling again in his arms. "I just think you're adorable when you're frightened than when you're mad that's all. So I just want to scare you a bit." He smiled before he entered the living room and he sat down and placed me on his lap. I whimpered as his arms remained curled around my waist and he breathed on my neck.

"What Jackson doesn't know won't hurt right darling? This is a cruel sick world, and you're finally opening your eyes up to it." He whispered in my ear, causing endless chills to run down my spine.

I know now that this is going to mess me up for the rest of my life. I am no longer known as normal. I'm a broken girl in their cruel world. And no one can save me from this. Not even myself.

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