•45• Party

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There weren't too many people coming. It was just Cory, Topanga, Auggie, Ava, Riley, Maya, Farkle, Lucas, Zay, Shawn, Katy, Josh, and everyone in their class.

The party started at around 7:00. So everyone was supposed to eat dinner, then come. Topanga set up some snacks from the bakery. Once everyone got there, the first thing they did was grab a snack because if Topanga made it, of course it's gonna be good. Time came around to 8:00. And Maya started to look around for Josh in the Matthews' living and dining room. She couldn't find him anywhere. She went to Riley's room, No one. She checked the bathroom by opening the door, that was locked. "Josh?" "It's Yogi!" Yogi said from inside the washroom. "Ummm. What do you doing in there Yogs?" Maya asked awkwardly. "It's my business... Literally." Yogi answered, awkwardly as well. It went silent for about 8 seconds until Maya spoke up and asked "How long have you been in there?" "I told you it's my business!" He said. "Yogi!" Maya said like she really was an adult. "7 minutes." Maya laughed as Yogi sighed.

Maya walked passed Auggie's room and heard talking. So Maya peeked through the door. It was about 2 centimetres open. And from her angle, she saw Josh and Auggie. They each had glasses of fruit punch. And they were literally pouring out their problems to each other. "Now that Maya got into Juilliard, I feel like she's gonna have even less time for me. This year was extra hard cause I had my first year of Uni and she had her last year of high school, so she had to apply to places, get better marks, focus more on school. I hope next year isn't as stressful." Then Josh took a sip of his fruit punch, as Maya giggled. Josh and Auggie turned their heads and saw Maya looking through. Then she sighed and walked in.

"I'll give you two some time." Auggie said as he walked out. "Josh. Are you okay with me going to Juilliard? Cause if not, I'll stay back for a year in High school, so I could get in next year, or maybe even next semester. But-" "Maya." Josh interrupted. "Yeah?" She asked. He stood up, walked over to her, and kissed her. When he pulled away, he said "I want you to go there. The other day when you were about to leave your place, I was on the other side of the door, when I heard you singing Closer. You're voice is beautiful. And so are you." Maya was taken back by what Josh just said. So she just said "You taste like Fruit Punch." Referring to their kiss earlier. And after she said that, she giggled. "Come on let's go to the roof."

Maya and Josh went on the roof. "So. I'd love to hear you sing now." Maya had to get comfortable in front of Josh. But she didn't have to try that hard because there was no one who she trusted more than him. She sang a cover of Dangerously by Charlie Puth.

Once she was done, Josh feel in love with her more. They had a great time and both fell asleep on the bench on the roof. Maya and Josh looked like total relationship goals. The next day, they woke up to a beautiful sunrise.

First, Josh woke up, and then he kissed Maya's for head which woke her up. "Good morning, Love." "Good morning, Love." Maya replied as they both smiled at each other. There couldn't have been a better start to their day.

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