7: Spirit Branding and Murder

Start from the beginning

"What's her schedule matter, anyway? Hmph. Annoying demon... sigh... where to... ah! Thank you, Ariadne's string!" I grinned as the same electric blue thread started tracing down the hallway.


I sat down in my seat just as Mirage caught up, grinning. I hummed at her disheveled appearance. "You look like you dove into a wind storm, and you have lipstick on your... stomach. How'd you get lipstick on your stomach?" I asked.

She hummed. "I fucked your teacher." She said simply, and shrugged.

I blinked slowly. "Ah. I see... hmm." I turned forward, doing my best to focus on the teacher now speaking, despite my confusion. 'She was very clear about her word choice, so what does that mean?'

'She had rough sexual intercourse with professor Ramos.' Baba sighed.

My face was instantly radiantly red, and I covered my nose and cheeks, trying to hide it.

"Is something the matter, Miss Falkirk?" The elderly woman Professor asked, raising an eyebrow in my direction.

I blushed harder and shook my head.

"Do you have a fever or is that embarrassment?" She asked blandly.

I dropped my head to the desk, covering my head to hide myself.

"Ah. I'll leave you to it, then. Do try to pay attention, though. And demon, attempt to look civil, please. I'll not have disorderly appearances in my classroom." She said crisply, and turned away.

I blushed even harder, and Mirage sighed, disappearing. 'I don't know why you're embarrassed, it's not like anyone heard, and she's quite-'

'You stop that at once! She's TEN! You will not detail your lustful relations to a CHILD! I WILL NOT HAVE IT! CEASE YOUR ATTENTIONS AT ONCE!!' Baba roared at her.

'Geez, alright. So testy. Not like I did anything wrong.'

'How about fornication?'

'As someone who's been judged by the Twelve Honorable Dead, and had a lusty encounter-filled life beforehand, the act of fornication is not a sin the Twelve Honorable Dead even mention... so no. Your accusation lacks sustenance.'

'Corrupting a Minor!'

'Would you rather she learn from unprofessional ramblings of children, like most children?' Mirage fired back.

This stopped Baba in her tracks. 'No...'

'Would you like her to never be a woman?'

'Well no, but-'

'Would you like her to be surprised at these events when they occur, or be so embarrassed she's petrified?'

'Not at all-'

'So I'll thank you to LEAVE ME TO MY ATTENTIONS, as I'm TRYING TO HELP!' She snapped, and effectively ended the conversation.

"-Greta? Are you alright?" The teacher asked, leaning down to my eye level.

"Sorry... demons are arguing in my head." I grunted, holding my temples to compress my pounding brain.

'My apologies, little one.' They said, perfectly synchronized.

"Ah. I see. I understand your pain. Eat some chocolate, it'll help." She smiled and patted my shoulder, walking back to her desk. "Now class! As I was saying. Today we're going to learn about how to draw glyphs. Simple, yes? You've all done this?"

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