Two boobs, a hole, and a wanted pole

Start from the beginning

It was settled. It was as simple as that for him; the end of the story. While I felt stupid for blurting out my secret desire to have sex with him, I knew this was a small hiccup to expect. That didn't stop the speed of my heart. I placed a hand over my chest and felt the pounding beneath my breast.

"Of course I was there. I know you're gay," I managed, relieved he hadn't laughed.

I knew this wasn't going to be easy. I'd thought about this for a long time, long enough to include Ethan's boyfriend—Seth—a part of the 'devirginize Cassie' mission. It had to be Ethan and if Seth came as a result then I was okay with it. Seth was like a rippling supermodel.

A piece of my curly brown hair fell onto my warming cheeks as I sighed and folded my arms across my chest. I turned my upper body towards him and leaned closer, settling inches away from his side and reiterated the truth I knew, "I know you like guys. I understand that, but I don't trust anyone else to do it. You're my best friend, Ethan. And let's be honest, at the rate I'm going I won't lose it until I'm like," I paused, my eyes rolling upwards as I pretended to do some mental math, "eighty."

He rolled his eyes and turned the rest of his body towards me, lifting his leg and settling his bum on his calf. "Don't be overdramatic. You're just picky."

It was my turn to be exasperated. "It's more than that and you know it!"

He chose not to comment on that, but he gave me a knowing look and bowed his head. "Why now? You've never cared before."

Now that I had no plans of telling him. My two main reasons were for me and me alone, at least for now.

Sharing my reasons would be way too embarrassing. The first reason: his glistening abs and a pair of black swim trunks at a pool party. My tweaked nether regions had gone into a frenzy that night and ever since, so much that wet-dreaming became ritual for me. When I realized that I truly did want him, Rational Bug came and bit my ass. 'Cassie Sandwich Fetish' haunted my sleep and wake time and it didn't take long for Seth to start appearing in my erotic dreams after that. Being hyper-sexually aware of Ethan meant the same for his significant other.

Ethan was always walking around shirtless and Seth was touchy – as in he was always touching me or Ethan. Seth's enjoyment of physical contact was borderline molestation. Maybe that was too strong of a word, but the truth is it had never bothered me before because I'd never noticed it. Now that I did notice it hot showers were a thing of the past and when those ice-cold ones didn't do the job... well, let's just say that my bank account has dwindled. Sex toys, good ones at least, are not cheap and I'd burned out three within two months.

Seth, for a gay guy, really knew how to touch me too. He would run his fingers up my bare thighs when I had shorts on or bump me from behind with his hip. He would pat my ass and make comments about my small chest... he even took a finger and pulled the neckline of my shirt down to peek inside. I wasn't a nympho, at least I didn't think so, but my sex-drive remained in warp speed and now I had to do something about it.

And then there was the second reason, one that was still a little too surreal for me to even admit. That was not the way I was going to lose my virginity, but that was also the reason Ethan and Seth needed to know about the most because I was counting their support.

"Well? Why now?" Ethan repeated his question.

I wasn't going to let the answer 'because you and your boyfriend make me horny, Ethan' slip out, but it settled on the tip of my tongue. It was the easiest answer, after all, plus it wasn't a lie.

Biting my lip, I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I want to know what it feels like. I'm tired of waiting and masturbation can only do so much."

A horrified expression crossed his face, but he shook his head quickly, his sandy blonde hair falling into his eyes. His book dropped to the floor with a thud and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you in love with me? Is that it?"

V for Virgin!  [M/F/M - 3rd Draft]Where stories live. Discover now