Chapter 16

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Amanda's POV

I walked out of my dorm room the next day to see Lauren standing outside. I mentally groaned because I hoped that my family had gone home and not stayed the whole weekend. I tried to walk past her but she noticed me.

"Amanda, I want to talk to you," she said.

I groaned but I did turn around and gestured for her to come join me.

"I've got training so if you want to talk to me you have to come with me," I said and continued down the hallway.

Lauren didn't say anything as we headed down into the cafeteria. I grabbed breakfast and took a seat at one of the many tables. She sat down opposite me and it looked like she didn't know what to say.

"If you don't actually have anything to say then you can leave," I told her.

"I need to talk about Mom and Dad," she started.

I looked up at her and let her continue talking.

"They are our parents Clara and they are just trying to look out for you," she added.

"I'm sure that they are looking out for you but they are constantly telling me that I should be more like you," I told her.

"They just want you to be the best that you can be," Lauren tried.

"The best person that I can be isn't you and I don't want to be you."

"I thought that I was just trying to be nice to you for once."

"You tried, you can leave me alone now and head home," I told her.

She didn't say anything but she did get up from the table and leave. I was glad because I didn't want to continue talking with her. I continued to eat my breakfast in silence and I was glad that no one else tried to join me.

I left the cafeteria not long later and headed out onto the courts. I saw my family standing on the edge of the court but I ignored them and dumped my bag on the side of the court. Drew was already there and I grabbed a racket from my bag and joined him on the court.

"I see that your family is there," he said as we started to hit.

"Yeah but I don't want to talk to them so they can stand there for as long as they want," I added.

I quickly forgot about my family as Liam and Jade joined us as well as Coach and we started to train together. I enjoyed being out on the tennis courts and I could forget about my family and just have fun playing.

Jade and I were playing each other and once in a while I would glance at the edge of the court and I could see that my parents were still standing on the court. I had to push them out of my mind as Jade served.

We got a good couple of games going before Coach called us together. He talked to us about the team that we were going to be playing this week before dismissing us. I re-tied my hair into a loose bun and put my stuff away before pushing my bag up onto my shoulder.

"Amanda, come over here," Mom called.

I groaned but did head over to my family. I was tired after training and I didn't want to talk to my family. I don't know if Lauren told them about the conversation that we had had early but I didn't think that she did. It seemed like a conversation that was just going to be between us.

I didn't hang around for long. They were telling me that they were heading home and I was glad because it meant that I didn't have to talk to them anymore.

"We'll probably see you over summer," Mom said.

She hugged me quickly because I was still sweaty.

"I'd better be going," I said awkwardly.

They said our final goodbyes and I headed off the courts. I slowly walked up to the dorms and found Cassie and her family were in my dorm. They smiled at me when I walked in and I dumped my bag on the ground.

"Did you have tennis training?" Mr Young asked.

"No I just like carrying around my tennis stuff for fun," I said sarcastically and headed into the bathroom.

I think that he said something else but I shut the bathroom door so that I don't have to talk to Cassie and her family anymore.

I would be glad when all the families are gone. I spent part of the morning with Myles' and his family but I always felt awkward when I hung out with other people's family. I spent most of the afternoon in the library getting most of my school work done.

I headed out of the library and unfortunately I ran into Ryder and his parents. I swear I have the worst luck. Ryder's parents were really nice but I didn't want to talk to them after Ryder and I broke up and I'm guessing that he didn't tell them the reason we broke up.

"Amanda, how nice to see you," Mrs Matthew smiled.

"Mrs Matthews, it is nice to see you," I said with a fake smile.

"I haven't seen you around this weekend. Have you and Ryder broken up?" she asked.

I glanced at Ryder and he looked very sheepish.

"Yeah we did, sorry I have to go and hand in some work," I lied so that I could get out of the conversation.

I heard Ryder say something to his parents and then I heard footsteps running after me. I groaned because I really didn't want to talk to Ryder. I hadn't talked to him since we broke up and I didn't want to. I was happy with Myles and I didn't want to talk to Ryder about our relationship.

"You didn't tell your parents that we broke up?" I asked.

"You know that they love you. I couldn't tell them," he admitted.

"Well you don't have to tell them what happened but I don't want to talk with you anymore," I told him.

"We have to talk about it sometime."

"No we don't."

"Stop bothering my girlfriend," Myles added coming up from behind me.

The two guys glared at each other and I wrapped my arm around Myles so that he wouldn't do anything stupid. I didn't feel like breaking up a fight between the two of them.

"We are going to be moving on and I don't want to talk to you anymore," I told Ryder.

He looked like he was about to say something else but I didn't let him because I turned around and continued walking away from Ryder.

"I thought that you were still with your family," I said.

"They left a couple of minutes ago and then I ran into your Coach and he said that he had something to tell you," he told me.

"Did he tell you what it was?" I asked.

"No but he told me that you would be surprised."

I looked at him and we started to run towards the courts. I couldn't think that Coach was going to tell me.


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The Wise One

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