Chapter 3

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Amanda's POV

Myles and I haven't talked since he stormed out of our English class three days ago. He and I have been in detention the last three days and he has either slept through it or paid no attention to anything. It is a good thing that we haven't had any partner work yet for English because Myles has slept through most of that too.

Alex and I were sitting in my room planning our next pranks for the weeks. The first week I didn't pull many pranks so that I could settle in.

"So I have everything for the next week but I might need more glitter soon," I said glancing at my supplies.

She started making a list of everything that I had.

"And lemon, limes and oranges," Alex added.

We aren't meant to be going to the supermarket but Alex and I are really good at sneaking out and getting the supplies.

"Are we going out now?" I asked.

Alex nodded and she pocketed the list. Cassie wasn't around so I didn't have to worry about her. One of the security guards was sitting at the desk and they don't really care that much about people leaving the dorm rooms during the day. The hardest part was getting out of the school was getting past the ones at the gates out of the school.

Alex and I were very good at getting out though. We stuck out behind the classrooms and jumped the fence. We walked to the supermarket and headed in. Alex grabbed the fruit and I headed into the art section and grabbed glitter.

We grabbed a couple of other supplies that we might need soon before we paid. Sneaking in was even easier. Cassie still wasn't in the room so I was safe to stay in there. Alex headed out because she had homework to do so I decided to start mine.

Drew turned around in his seat and started talking but I couldn't hear him because I had headphones in. We were heading to a tennis competition. It's just a singles tournament so it is only a one day tournament. The four of us are in a van travelling to the courts along with some other tennis players from the school.

I pulled an earbud out and caught the end of his speech.

"What were you saying?" I asked.

"You let me say that whole thing and then told me that you couldn't hear," Drew asked.

"Pretty much," I said shrugging.

"Coach says that you and I have the first games of the team so we should warm up together," he told me.

I made sure that my hair was pulled back into a tight bun and pulled my jacket on. The van stopped and I pushed my bag up onto my shoulders. Drew handed my two tennis balls as I dumped my bag in the stands.

"Let's go girl," he teased.

They were plenty of other people warming up already so Drew and I stepped onto one of the last courts available. I started the rally and it felt so much better to start warming up. Some official called everyone together after about fifteen minutes so Drew and I headed to where the rest of the team are.

His game was in one of the first lots called onto the courts. I was watching him play but halfway through his game I got called for mine. There was another girl already standing there and she had the balls for the match.

I had my game face on and I wasn't going to be nice to her. I had the first serve so I tossed up a couple of practice ones before we started. All our games are umpired by another player. The umpire called the start of the game and I threw the first serve up.

It was an easy game for me and I won 6-1 6-0. I only have three more games because it is also a small competition. All three of my teammates won as well. Coach had a couple of things to say about my game but overall he was pleased.

Jade was talking to one of the girls from the other team and Liam and Drew were chasing each other around the arena for some reason that neither of them mentioned. Coach was talking to some other official looking person so I had nothing to do.

My game finally got called and I was so happy to have something to do. Liam and Drew were already playing so only Jade and Coach wished me luck before I started.

Drew and I both won our sections. Drew and I are known around for winning, it would be strange if I didn't. Alex and Ryder were both standing by the gates waiting for us to come back.

"Hey, babe, how was it?" Ryder asked.

"Winners," I called and wrapped both arms around his neck.

Jade and Liam had disappeared but I said goodbye to Drew before we headed towards he dorms. Alex went her own way as Ryder and I headed towards the dining hall.

Briar was sitting at one of the tables with her lips connected with some boy toy. Ryder knew how much I disliked Briar so we sat at a table on the other side of the cafeteria. We got food and had barely started eating when Briar approached us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to talk to you," she said.

"Talk away," I said.

"I want you to leave Cassie alone."

"You don't get to tell me what to do. I haven't even done anything to her anyway," I added.

"But I know that you will"

"That's nice, now kindly fuck off," I told her.

She glared at me but did leave us alone. Ryder returned to eating as I watched Briar walk away. I didn't realise that Briar was that good friends with Cassie that she would attempt to order me around.

I looked up to see Cassie walk into the cafeteria and start talking to Briar. Ryder then had to go to some group project so I headed up to my dorm. Both Briar and Cassie were there so I quickly walked back out again.

I didn't have anything to do so I ended up sitting in an empty corridor that nobody used. I heard yelling and it seemed to be getting closer to me. Myles was yelling into a phone and didn't seem to notice that I was sitting on the floor. I pressed my back up against the wall and hoped that he didn't notice me.

"I don't fucking care, I'm not doing it," Myles snapped.

I couldn't hear the other end of the conversation but I don't think that it was any nicer on the other end. I couldn't help but keep listening to Myles and his responses didn't get any nicer.

"You can hurt me all you fucking want but I'm not going to do it," he repeated.

I thought about moving but then he would hear me and see me and know that I heard the rest of his conversation.

"This conversation is fucking over. Don't fucking call me again," Myles said and hung up.

He quickly then strode down corridor without noticing me. I was quite glad because with his anger and how angry he currently is I didn't want to annoy him.

I was curious though. What was getting Myles so worked up?


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