Chapter 15

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Amanda's POV

I don't really know why Myles and Briar don't get along. I wasn't going to ask because I didn't want him to be angry with me. It came to the weekend that I was least looking forward to. Family Weekend. Families come and get to spend the weekend here and I hate it.

Myles and I were in the cafeteria when he saw his parents come in. They both looked similar to him and I could see his eyes brighten when he saw them.

"Come on, I want you to meet them," he said and pulled me up from the table.

I smiled at him and followed him towards the two adults.

"Mom and Dad, this is my girlfriend Amanda," he introduced.

His parents introduced themselves as Connie and James. I smiled at both of them but I left the conversation not long later. Myles doesn't get to see his parents that often and I let them hang out together.

I headed back up to my dorm and changed into tennis gear. It distracted me from the fact that my parents might be coming. Coach saw me coming down to the court and he handed be a basket of balls.

"I thought you might be coming," he said.

I smiled at him and headed out onto the court. I started to warm up my serve alone on the court. After a couple of minutes I was hitting them at full pace and they would bounce off the wall at the back.

"Are you always here?" someone asked from behind me.

I turned around to see both my parents and Lauren. I mentally groaned but I didn't make the mistake of saying anything. I hugged all of them I actually appreciated them being here.

"I'll just go change and I'll see you in the cafeteria," I said.

I took my time to get back up to my dorm. I took a quick shower and changed into jeans and a loose shirt. My family was sitting at one of the many tables and I sat down beside Lauren.

"How are you enjoying school?" Mom asked.

"It's been good. I've had a couple of good tennis games," I said.

We settled into an awkward conversation. It wasn't even about me, it was more about Lauren. I don't know what she was doing at the moment. I think she might be studying something at college but I don't really know or care.

I glanced up in time to see Cassie and her family sit down next to us. Everyone started introducing themselves and I was wondering why they came over.

"Your daughter is my daughter's roommate," Mr Young said.

I figured why Cassie wanted to come over. She was going to tattle on me. I didn't really care that much anyway but it is a bit annoying.

"I hope that Amanda has been treating Cassie well," Mom said.

"I don't really think so. Cassie tells me that Amanda has been anything but nice," Mrs Young said.

I scoffed and everyone turned to look at me.

"I've been mean to you. I had to go sleep in library one night because Cassie and Briar wouldn't shut up. You haven't been nice to me either," I said.

"You never told me to be quiet," Cassie lied.

"I thought that I raised a more respectful daughter than that," Mom said.

I just rolled my eyes and tuned out of the conversation. Both sets of parents started talking about the school and other boring things that I didn't care about. I really wanted to get up and leave the conversation but it wouldn't be worth the argument.

Cassie and her parents left not long later leaving me with my family again. I looked up to see all three of them looking at me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Cassie seems like a really nice girl. How come you aren't being nice to her?" Dad asked.

"I'm sick of this. Cassie isn't that nice and I'm not going to keep talking about this so I'm going to leave and I don't want to talk to you anymore," I said and stood up.

I don't know if my family stayed around but I headed up to my dorm. Luckily Cassie wasn't there so I could shut the door and have some quiet. I didn't have any homework to do so I grabbed a book and started to read.

I got a text from Myles asking me to dinner with his family and I agreed. It meant that I had a good reason to not go out with my family. I didn't move for the next couple of hours as I read and played games on my phone while I waited for the time to come around for dinner with Myles.

I changed into a dark green mid-length dress. It had silver flowers on the top and the skirt had black lace. I plaited my hair into a fishtail braid earlier which was good because it took me a while to do. I applied light makeup and pulled on a pair of black ankle boots.

I found Myles talking to his parents downstairs and I wrapped my arms around him. I smiled at both his parents and we headed out of the school. Connie told me that she had got reservation at a nearby restaurant.

I found myself talking to Connie as the two guys walked a couple of steps in front of us.

"How did you and Myles meet?" she asked.

"He sits next to me in English. He was the first one to tell me that my boyfriend was cheating on me," I said.

I think that Connie looked a little shocked.

"That's Myles for you. He is very blunt," she muttered.

"I like that about him. He always tells you the truth even if sometimes you don't want to hear it," I told her.

"I'm glad that Myles has you. He was so sad after his sister was gone and he is much happier now," she said.

We stopped our conversation because we walked into the restaurant. I was starting to think though because I didn't know that Myles had a sister. Our table in near the back of the restaurant and Myles made sure that I was sitting next to him.

This was what I always imagined a family dinner to be like. It was comfortable and easy and this wasn't even my family. Myles was holding my hand under and table and I had a smile on my face the whole time. Sometimes I just wished my family was like this.


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The Wise One

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