Chapter 1

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Amanda's POV

The best thing that my parents ever did was leave me at this boarding school. They had clearly been thinking about it for a while because all my stuff was already shipped off to this place before I was told. I have now been at New Brighton Boarding School for 2 years the most prestigious private school in the area and it's now the beginning of my senior year.

My parents are rich but spent all my life comparing me to my older sister Lauren. At first I started acting out to get attention but then it was to prove I wasn't Lauran and now it is a bit of fun. I would talk back to the teachers and pull a ton of pranks and they got sick of getting called into the principal's office to deal with me so they shipped me off to here so they didn't have to deal with me.

I'm not as bad as I used to be. I still pull the pranks because they are fun but not so much the talking back to teachers. I stay here every holiday, even over summer so that I don't have to go home and deal with being compared to Lauren.

I started playing tennis at a young age. My parents wanted to raise us like the Williams sisters. Lauren stopped but I continued. If I was angry, like now, I can just whack a ton of serves as hard and fast as I can and it calms down. It's a good therapy. I play for the school and the number one player in the state.

"Amanda Prescott, I told you that your new roommate was coming today," Principal Devon called.

Mrs Devon and I actually get along quite well. I am very often in her office. She says that she finds me amusing but I personally think that her job would be boring without me and my best friend Alex who sometimes joins me.

This is going to be me 22nd roommate. Most of them are still at the school just in a different room. The last one left my room after she accidentally stood in my bowl of jelly at midnight and thought it was blood. She screamed and demanded that she changed dorms.

No one knows but most guess that I put it there. She was a bitch so for the last few weeks of last year I didn't have a roommate. Since not many people stay over summer I didn't have one then either. Mrs Devon told about this a week ago so I planned to be out.

"But, Mrs I just started," I smirked.

She glared at me and I grabbed my tennis bag and followed her into the dorm rooms. The new girl had started unpacking with the help of her parents.

"You must be Amanda, I'm Cassie Young," she said.

I looked at her. She had shortish blonde hair that was left loose. She was kind of tall but I still towered over her. She wore short shorts and a crop top that was the same blue as her eyes.

"Hi, I'm going to have a shower," I said and disappeared into the bathroom.

When I came out Mrs Devon was gone but Cassie's parents weren't.

"So you play tennis?" her Mother asked.

"No way, I hadn't realised."

The first thing that people realise about me is I am tall. The second is that I am very sarcastic. The third is I don't respect many people especially adults. Mrs Young looked very sternly at me and I just laughed.

"Since you interrupted my training I'm going to leave," I said.

"The point of you being here is so you get to know Cassie," Mr Young said.

"I don't do friends, I don't even do acquaintances so don't bother. Your darling daughter will be my 22nd roommate and the longest lasted six weeks so excuse me but I have places to be," I snapped.

Cassie glared at me but didn't say anything when I left the room. I walked straight into my best friend Alex.

Alex Prince is sort of a good influence on me. She does stop me doing something but she joins me in many of them. Unlike me she went home over summer so I haven't seen her since the end of the year even though she invited me home. That would me talking to my parents and they wouldn't let me.

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