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A/N: I wrote this shit in my notebook when I was at work... I was annoyed that the kids I teach didn't listen so I just sat there waiting for them to be quiet whilst writing lmao

The two lads soon retracted to their cell after being awkwardly woken up in the washing room by a security man. The guy walked in on them semi-naked, sleeping on the ground next to each other.

"You two can sleep in your cell, not on the floor. And put some god damn clothes on." He said with a disgusted face and walked away.

The two chuckled slightly as they left the washing room. The next day continued of some occasional flirting and the unbearable fact that they had to switch partners tomorrow. The thought was lingering Taehyung's mind the entire day.

He wasn't as sad that Jungkook wasn't going to be his partner anymore, but more to the fact that Yoongi had the slight possibility of being his next partner. The thought only made him shiver. You could say he was mortally petrified.

After some hours of being bored to death in their cell, a man came up to their cell, opening it while they silently followed the instructions of the man.

"Step close, turn around with your hands on your back."

They both obeyed. Taehyung was still clueless while Jungkook knew why they had to suddenly put handcuffs on again. (A/N: Jungkook knows how to make use of those *winks drastically*)

At 4 PM they always had their 'free moment' for 15 minutes, which in other words meant: you got 15 shitty minutes to go outside while you can do nothing but sitting on one of the several benches. Unless you wanted to walk, two security men would walk with you, depending on your reputation there.

Nevertheless, Taehyung was happy to be outside for the first time after he got locked up. It always made him feel calm. Before he started taking the dark lane in life, he used to walk his dog around parks and rivers. It made him forget his worries, the soft waves slowly crashing on the rocks as he watched from a feet sized distance. His dog beside him, hugging him as the dog was his only loving relative left.

They were brought outside, there wasn't a bright sunshine beaming, like he wanted, but it was still a nice day with clouds in the sky, resembling figures as Taehyung stared at them.

"Tae, put your head down, you look like a fool in front of everyone. I need to keep my image here." Jungkook said harshly. He didn't want to be all cocky, but creating the image he had built up for these years was his only chance of surviving. And with mister sunshine next to him, that could lower quite a bit.

A few people were glancing at them, mostly at Taehyung who looked like a little kid, trying to count the clouds. They soon turned their heads back as Taehyung put his head down, revealing a slight pout.

Jungkook stood up after a minute or so to talk to some 'friends' as he left Taehyung alone. Closing his eyes for a moment, his back towards the table, thinking about nothing more than the slight breeze hitting his face. His time of relaxation did not last long as a figure sat next to him.

"Thinking about me again?" the guy smirked, expecting the flustered face of Taehyung to return again as soon as he saw who spoke.

gUyS how fast this story is growing is actually insane, I want to do something kinda special or some shit so maybe like a Q&A or a double update when I hit 5K?? Idk pls comment on what you would like and if you have any questions on what you want to know about moi or this story, I'll be glad to answer :)

my seductive cellmate 》taekookWhere stories live. Discover now