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A/N: I should be studying and working on a ton of assignments I need to get done... oH wELL

As the two males sat down at one of the benches somewhere at the back, they placed their instant meals on the table. Jungkook explained Taehyung some rough details about how everything works and was especially excited to tell the other male about their 'punishment work.'

Taehyung looked around him and noticed the different sections of groups spread around the entire room. You had your typical 'I'm going to make life very difficult for you if you take one step closer towards me' people and not to forget the infamous; 'I'm the emo one that no one dares to talk to bc I don't say shit.'

It was an understatement that he felt quite intimidated and uneasy around all of these people. He somehow was glad he had Jungkook as his guide, he knew he would be dead meat if he was alone.

"Hey cutie, are you even listening anymore or just staring into the dark abyss that is your future?"

Taehyung turned his head with a "huh" and stared at Jungkook blankly.

"I was explaining you what our punishment work here is, Kim. Pay attention if you don't want me to punish you as well." Jungkook mumbled the last part a bit, but still understandable enough for the other male to hear.

Taehyung swallowed dryly, a pink blush dancing on his features. He knew Jungkook for only one day, yet he made him feel some kind of attraction, a yearning for his attention. He had a strong, though inexplicable feeling towards him.

The male looked up at Jungkook with resignation, knowing it was better to listen to the information, now given to him.

"Alright, so you have 3 chores or punishments we have to do. First thing, washing the dishes, it's the easiest and is mostly done by the people with the least 'horrible crimes.' Second, doing the laundry, I know it sounds like an easy task but you have to be fast while doing a shit ton of work and it's quite boring when doing it alone, really."

Taehyung kept remaining eye contact and nodding here and there, while listening silently, watching the added hand gestures Jungkook was making while speaking.

"And third, breaking and dividing stones into piles while being cuffed at your feet. You're outside with a fuckload of security surrounding you so don't even think about making an escape plan. It's definitely the hardest and shittiest of all."

It took the other male a while to process all the information getting to him, but when he finally got everything down he nodded understanding.

"So... which one do you always get?"

A sly smirk, mixed with a small smile spread across Jungkook's features.

"I always go for the laundry, it's my favorite by far."

Taehyung looked at him with a mixture of surprise and revelation. Questioning why he was even happy to do laundry work, since a minute ago he just said it was boring alone.

"Uhm is there a reason why you like it or...?" Taehyung stated, not sure if he should ask anything in detail at all.

The other male slowly leaned towards him, his elbows leaning on the table, his hands supporting his face. Taehyung kept looking at him with dreading eyes.

"Cause there's enough time and space to fuck cute guys."

He finished with a smirk, seeing his cellmate get red before adding;

"Like you."

my seductive cellmate 》taekookWhere stories live. Discover now