Start from the beginning

" Now, that is one hell of a kid, you are then! Now tell me, what did you do to him? " She asked/yelled.

" Well, i kind of, a little bit, maybe, a tiny litte bit, wanted a rematch on my field this time. So i caught him in a trap, im still missing my spagettistrop, that i used for the trap. And after he fell into my trap, i caught him in my genjutsu. I personally thought, that it was fun. The way he talk to himself, when he is in a genjutsu is fun too. So i laughed at him and stopped the genjutsu, then i had to run for my life.... But it sure was fun! " I said with a smile.

She laughed too. " Oh, how i wanted to see that! Now you stay here and i will go get you spagettistrops, where was it, that you made the trap? "

" Just outside the flowershop. Thanks Anko! " I said and she left.

A few moments later she was back with my spagettistrops, which she handed to me with the words: " That was one mean trap, girly. Even i had some difficulties finding it, no wonder that Ibiki fell in it. Good job! "

I laughed awkwardly, while taking on my spagettistrops. Then i wished her a good day and left for school, that i just remembered i had to go to. Hey, dont blame for forgetting, i had only had one school day in my life. Which was yesterday...

So i went to school and i was aparently still early, thats interesting... I sat next to Raven and Naruto again, Raven still stirred at me though. Its was anoying and it made me feel bad. I sighed, oh and a funny thing is today there is the final examination. Cool right?! Two days of school and i now had the chance of graduating. I was called in first and i made the recured three shadow clones, just as asked, no more no less. I smiled sweet at scarface, eh, i mean Iruka, ups. So sca-Iruka gave me a forheadprotector and boom, i was a ninja, just like that. And the school day was over... Now what to do that allows me to be far away from Ibiki? Hmmm, i could read some of the new books that Kakashi and the old man had given me or i could practise my moves. I will do both! So back to Kakashi's place. I sneaked all the way to Kakashis place, nobody seemed to see me. Really? In a village full of ninjas, no one notice the girl slowly making her way forward in the shadows?

I frose, right there infront of me, right infront of a restaurant, stood Ibiki. Shoot! Then Anko showed up, cool.

" Hej Ibiki! Sorry, that im late. I wanted to find this little bird, that i saw this morning. It jumped right into my house. " She said and i some how got the idea that she was talking about me. He nodded and she smiled evilly. " So now, i have heard that you got outsmartet by a little girl this morning and that you lost her too. What's up with that? "

I almost startet to laugh out loud, but i managed.

" Who told you that? " He demanded to know.

" Oh, im not sure were i head it. Could have been in a store or something, you know rumors travels fast. There is also a rumor of this other little girl, who broke the record it your interrogation. Its said that she didnt even talk to you, before you used the acid on her. Its said, that she held out in 5 hours and that you gave up. Is that true? " She asked disbelieving.

" What! Why would anybody believe that? A little girl that outsmarts me? And a little girl that can manage though torture? Have people lost there minds? Where would they get those crazy ideas? " He roared angry and oh so scary.

I silently sneaked backwards, this was bad! I had made a fool out of Ibiki, i had Anko trying to find me and i had to go home to Kakashi. I managed to get unseen into an ally, but a voice stopped me from going anywhere, i just sat still like a statue.

" Now Anko, i cant stay. I need to go check up at something at the akademi. Goodbye. "

With that he left down the street, passing right by me and luckily he did not see me. Anko was left alone in the streets looking after him.

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