Attack that sorta backfired

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This is the Nemeton and an older version of McKenzie! Sorry! Now read on

~~~~Scott's POV~~~~

I let out a scream, the Nogitsune driven the knife through my thigh, and left it there! The bitch!

"Well, that was fun!" He grumbled, guess he wanted more screams.

I heard Derek say a couple of words under his breath that sounded a lot like, "Mother father, son of a beach." Stuff like that.

Then the sounds of gun fire echoed through out the school. Backup has arrived!

"Damn it, they're early." The Nogitsune grabbed the gun that was sitting on the desk. I looked at Peter, who got the worst of it. His face was beaten till it was black and blue. His healing stopped due to the sliver somewhere in the cuts. Derek was no bette, but he was healing, very slowly. Me? I was gonna rip the Nogitsune throat out!

Kira, Allison, Ethan, Aiden, Liam, and Malia were moved to another room, which was a bad sign. They took Lydia somewhere else. Which was even worst!

"Well, I have to go! Have fun, oh and if you were wondering about Stiles and Kenzie." I thickened the glare as he continued.

"Well, they're going to be better then what's to come, bye!" And he slammed the door shut.

"Fumk hum!" I yelled through the gag.

~~~~Stiles POV~~~~

Isaac you fucking idiot!

"Really?!" Chris screamed. I heard Kenzie cuss under her breath as she shot another bullet and the Oni. She hit it right in the chest, making it explode. Thank god!

"Well, sorry!" He growled as he went full on wolf mode.

"No you're not!" Kenzie yelled back as she shot another Oni, but it didn't go down. Oh crap.

"Stiles, Kenzie. Get inside, now!" Chris said as he shot another Oni, again, didn't go down.

"Come on!" I grabbed Kenzie as we ran past the gun shots and the Oni.

"This just screams trap." Kenzie hissed as we ran inside. I hated to agree with Kenzie, but she was right.

"Where are they?" I hissed as I tripped over my own foot, causing me to stumble.

"Uh, chemistry room?" She guessed. We started to run a lot faster. I felt like something was watching us, but every time I turned around there was no one there. Well, that's a great sign of good luck!

Soon we barged into the chemistry room to see most of the Pack tied up in Wolfsbane ropes. We immediately ran over to them and untied them. I held Malia's hand to comfort her. She gave me a small smile to show she's okay. I looked over to see Kenzie helping Allison up.

"That bastard, I swear I'm gonna rip him to shreds." Malia growled, as her eyes turned blue. Kira nodded in agreement, her eyes also turning into a golden color. I untied her while Kenzie helped untied the rest.

"I swear, this is getting to weird for me." Liam mumbled as stood up.

"It's now just getting weird?" Kenzie asked. I let out a smile for her confusion. She's still learning. A lot.

"Shut it..." Liam mumbled as we walked/limped out of the room. The only people missing were Scott, Peter, Derek, and Lydia. Which was really bad of course.

"Anyone know where the rest are?" I asked as Malia limped with me. My head was killing me, it's been killing me since we walked in, which was also bad.

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