The Bellwood Breed-26

Start from the beginning

"Oh no, one room turned out to work for the better." He winked at me as he squeezed my hand, setting my cheeks on fire.

"Well good. Come back soon ok?"

"Thank you." We said in unison.

"Oh wait, let me help you with that." Emily came from down the hall as she picked up our bags.

"Em, I've never seen you help so much, keep it up." I heard her mother comment as we walked out. I raised my brows to Avery and he only shrugged.

"Which one is yours?" She asked.

"Really, you don't have to help us." I said kindly. She ignored me as she looked to Avery.

"Uh, the black Range Rover right over there."

"Man you really are loaded." She laughed as he pressed a button to open the trunk.

"Hey, well your home has about ten more bedrooms with a bathroom in each than mine does. So you tell me who's really "loaded" here." He cocked a brow. Why'd he have to be so easygoing with any and everyone? This girl was going to fall in love with him faster then I had!

"Touché." She put the bags in the trunk and then turned to give him a smile, flashing all of her teeth. "I'm sorry, I never got your name."

"Oh, how rude of us. I'm Avery, and this is my girlfriend Riley." Ah, would that title ever cease to amaze me?!

I smiled sweetly as she finally acknowledge my existence. She flipped her long blonde hair and stood straighter as she gave me a smile that could give someone a toothache.

"Nice to meet you." She looked more at Avery.

"Same. But, we'd ought to get going-"

"Oh wait, what school do you guys go to?"

Did she ask a lot of questions, or was it just me?

"Uh, we go to Bellwood Prep. You?" I answered before Avery could.

Against her dismay, she looked at me. "I'm homeschooled."

"Poor child." I said sympathetically. And I really meant that.

"Ever thought about private school, or even public?" Avery asked.

"I do but my mom won't budge. I'm nearly 16 and I've never even been to a school football game."

"Really, that's terrible. We have a basketball game tonight, some of our friends are going, you should come too." Avery offered. Both of our eyes widened.

"Sure that'd be great!"

"Good, we'll pick you up around six."

She nodded as she practically skipped back inside. "I'll be ready!"

"What was that about? And who the heck is going to a game?!" I said once we were in the car.

"What? I was just being nice Ri, I'm a Whitelighter remember? And I guess we all are now. The others won't mind."

"But what about Lexi? I've spent long enough putting her off." I snapped.

"Love, calm down. I you told everyone has been working around the clock to get her back. The others would love to go to a game for an hour."

"I don't think you guys really realize how valuable a single second is. We've wasted who knows how long, Lexi could be dead! You all don't seem to understand that!" My temper was flaring. The past couple of hours I was living in a pretend world, now I was back to the reality of my life.

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